Chapter 26

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Harrys POV:

It's just me and Niall standing in the library now. After Faye left, he flipped the light switch so now I can see clearly. Even though I can see clearly now, my head is a mess from what just happened. I'm still trying to process it.

I probably shouldn't have answered her the way I did but if I'm being honest, it would be one less thing for me to worry about. I could just move on to housing one of the other girls. A girl that isn't so special to Nik.

Although it would be one less thing on my plate, less stress, I really wouldn't want her to die. Before I took her and brought her here, I had been following her.  I don't think she deserves to die or even to be in this situation at all but I can't take back what I said or did for that matter.

She was upset and yelled then she just had to bring up Cora. Saying that she would never be her and she's right. Cora is the only girl that I ever let myself fall in love with when joining the Mafia and look where that's gotten me. Death literally follows me around. It's like the universe just doesn't want me to be happy.

I know how she felt after I said what I did. It was written all over her face but I wasn't expecting her to call off the whole sex thing. I mean I know we both fucking enjoyed ourselves and I'll tell you what, it's going to be hard to not fuck her while she's still in this house.

I run my hand through my hair and pace around the room. When I turn back to where Niall is standing, he just stares at me blankly waiting for me to say something. But I have nothing.

"What?" I ask. "What do you want me to say?"

"The truth." He states.

"The truth? Fine!" I throw my hands up in the air. "I had sex with her. Happy? Is that what you wanted to hear? That I fucked her even though Nik could kill me?"

"Why did you do this to yourself man?" He shakes his head. "You're so screwed Harry."

"Are you going to tell him then?" I point to Niall.

"You know I won't do that to you. You're my best friend but.." He sighs. If he does find out about this somehow Harry..."

"I know he'll kill me." I step closer to him. "And if I die then oh well because it was worth it."

"I'm sure it was." He nods.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" He doesn't really have to answer because I know exactly what it means but part of me wants to hear him say it. To admit it.

"She's a beautiful girl, Harry. If we weren't in this business and I met her somewhere else, I would...."

You know what? I actually don't want to hear it. I'm not stupid. I have seen how he looks at her. Shit, how the rest of the guys looked at her or the things they would say when they would help me track her before all this happened.

"Don't say another word." I hold my hand up to stop him.

He nods his head and doesn't say another word. My blood begins to boil knowing if he had the chance to sleep with her he would. The thought of them together makes me feel nauseous. I don't want to stand here with him anymore.

I push past him and head upstairs. Once I reach the landing, I turn my head to the right to where Faye's room is. Slowly, I walk over there and put my ear to the door but it's quiet. Then suddenly I hear a quiet sob come from the other side.

I back away from the door because I know I'm the last person she wants to see. So instead of going in to check on her, I make my way to my room and shut the door behind me once I'm inside.

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