Chapter 35

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Sorry this one is a shorter chapter!

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Harry's POV

   I stare down at my phone as all of the notifications take up the small screen. Text and calls that I've missed from Nik while I was fucking Faye. My hand runs through my hair as I let the panic wash over my body. Hovering over the text message with my thumb hesitating to slide the message open to read it.

I peel my eyes off my phone to where Fays is laying in the bed, fighting to keep her eyes open. The look on her face is pure worry knowing what we just did and Nik trying to reach out.

"Faye you can barely keep your eyes open. Take a nap, okay? I'll handle this." I hold my phone up, giving it a little shake before I turn and walk towards the living room.

She doesn't answer me because there is nothing for her to say. There is nothing for her to do. When I step out of the room, I close the door behind me hoping it will muffle the conversation.

When I finally reach the living room, I don't bother reading the text messages from him. Instead, I slide my thumb across the missed call to call Nik back. It only rings two times before he picks up.

"Why the hell weren't you answering your phone?" His voice is full of anger.

"I was asleep." I lied. "Didn't hear it. What's going on?"

"The guard outside your room heard Faye scream and called me because he thought she was being hurt."

"Scream?" My voice holds confusion but then I realize. She wasn't screaming becauseshe was being hurt, it was because I was fucking her sensless.

"Yes, scream. What happened?" His voice is impatient as he asks the question.

"She has these nightmares about her dad. She was taking a nap and had one. She must have been screaming in her sleep." I tell a partial lie. She does have the nightmare but she hasn't had them in awhile.

"You were both asleep?" Jealousy consumes his voice and I know what he is thinking.

"In separate rooms, yes." I reassure him.

"I think you should take her back to the house now." He demands. "I'll be there by the end of the week to get her."

"But the renovations aren't done yet." I say to him.

"I understand that but plans change. I won't be calm until I know she is safe. Under my roof." He explains. "Therefore, I am going to get her early. That way you don't have the responsibility of looking after her anymore."

When she first arrived I would have gladly handed her over to him. I wouldn't have even blinked an eye if he asked. She was a pain in my ass and got on my nerves all the fucking time. I mean, she still does but I don't mind as much anymore. I like her company.

"Okay." I finally answered him.

"Okay. I left a set of car keys with the guard. You'll know which car it is." He tells me then hangs up the phone.

An annoyed sigh leaves my mouth as I head back into the room. She is finally asleep, looking so peaceful and I hate that I have to wake her up to leave. I lean down and place a kiss on her bare shoulder.

"Faye." I whisper against her smooth skin. Her scent floods my nose and I close my eyes to breathe her in. What the fuck is happening to me?

"Hmm?" She hums in response, not moving from her position.

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