Chapter 14

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Warning: talk of suicide

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"He's what?" Harry says in disbelief as his hands go through his hair.

"He is outside in the car finishing up a business call." Niall tells him. "Again, you're so fucking lucky I was the one to walk in on... whatever the hell you two were doing."

We hear footsteps coming down the hall and I watch as Harry's whole body tenses up. In walks Louis, I remember him from the party and another guy.

"He's about to come in." The one guy says.

"Thanks Liam." Harry fake smiles then turns to me. "Faye I need you to promise that you'll be on your best behavior, okay?"

"But-" I begin to say but his hands firmly meet my shoulders making me stop talking.

"I'm serious Faye. This isn't the guy you want to get an attitude with. So just be nice and do what he says."

"Okay." I whisper as we hear another set of footsteps walking down the hall.

Harry removes his hands from me as if he is afraid of Nik finding him touching me. My body freezes in its place and the steps get louder.

In walks a man about 6 foot 2 with short dark hair. His skin is tan and his facial features are strong and sharp. He looks young which surprises me since Harry said this guy and Silas's dad were friends, well in charge of everything.

He looks from the boys, then to Harry, then to me

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He looks from the boys, then to Harry, then to me. His lips curl into a smile as he approaches me but I stand still. I don't think I have let out a breath of air since he stepped foot into this room.

Harry steps to the side, more towards the boys so he wasn't in the way. Nik walks around me taking me in and then stops right in front of me.

"Well you are more beautiful in person." His Italian accent is thick. "I'm Dominik but everyone calls me Nik."

I don't know what to say so I just blankly stare at him.

"You don't have to be afraid of me." His hand lifts up to meet my cheek. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"Then why am I here?" I snap with such an attitude that I hear Harry sigh out of frustration in the distance.

"She's a feisty one, isn't she?" He looks back to Harry whose hand is covering his mouth.

"She sure is." He answers Nik then shoots his eyes at me, which are now full of anger.

"Boys, leave the room." He turns his head back to me. "I would like to talk to Faye... alone."

Without a word they all start to leave the kitchen and I stand there and watch. I don't want them to go. I don't want to be left alone with this man.

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