Chapter 30

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Harry's POV:

Why can't she just leave shit alone? She's always gotta know the answer to everything. And why does it even fucking matter why I wouldn't want her and Niall to sleep together?

I'll admit it, I was seeing red when I saw him unzipping her dress. I know it stupid of me to even get mad at the thought of them sleeping together but I know how he is with girls. I mean I'm not much better but still. I could have knocked his fucking teeth out if Faye hadn't had stepped in between the two of us.

Then she yelled and brought up the girls that I've been bringing here which I'm not surprised because I know these walls are thin. I know she heard them. After I left her last night I had called for another girl to come over but she couldn't even get my dick hard so I sent her home. Faye just really pissed me off to the point I can't even get a hard on.

Now I'm standing in the kitchen drinking my coffee while she stays upstairs. Ever since she tried to run I've had to keep her locked up. I know she's not stupid enough to do it again but I can't just let her free in the house. If I do that then she will think everything is fine. Which it's not.

If Nik ever finds out about her running it will literally be the death of me. I take a sip of my coffee and debate on going up to get her for breakfast. I know she'll tell me she isn't hungry and then I'll force her downstairs where she still won't eat.

She's gotta have some food in her system because tonight is the party. I don't want her going and fainting or something because of starvation. So with that thought in mind I set my cup down and head up to her room.

I don't bother knocking on the door anymore, I just unlock it and step in. She's laying on the bed like she always is, just staring at the ceiling. She's wearing a white tank top and I can see the shape of her breasts perfectly. That sight alone is enough to get me hard so I have to look away. She knows I'm here but she doesn't acknowledge me.

"I know you're going to say you aren't hungry but there's a nice bowl of cereal downstairs with your name on it." I lean against the door frame and cross my arms.

She pushes herself up and swings her legs off the bed placing her feet on the floor. "My favorite."

So much sarcasm in that body. She stands up and walks over to me with her fists out waiting for me to cuff her. Her eyes trail down my body and I know she can see the bulge in my jeans right now. I stand up straight, letting out an awkward fake cough and grab the cuffs from my pocket and wrap them around each of her wrists.

I guide her out of the room and stay behind her as she walks down the stairs and into the kitchen. She takes her spot as she waits for me to pour the cereal. Her eyes stay on me the entire time and it's making my body feel like it's on fire.

I pour some Frosted Flakes into a bowl then add some milk and slide it over to her. She looks down at the meal placed in front of her and sighs.

"Look, you have to eat Faye. This party tonight is a big deal and I can't have you falling over because you never ate." I tell her.

She picks up her spoon and takes a mouthful of cereal with a fake smile. "Happy?"

"Very." I nod before I take another sip of my coffee. She eyes my cup and I know she wants some of her own and honestly I could let her have some, but I won't. Guess I just want to be a pain in the ass.

"Why is tonight such a big deal anyways?" She asks after she swallows her first bite, peeling her eyes away from my cup.

"A lot of our clients will be there so everyone has to be on their best behavior." My eyes stay on her after I say this.

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