Chapter 2

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This one is another long chapter! So get comfy.

I didn't fight Silas on what movie to watch last night because I knew he was upset with me. He didn't say he was but he didn't need to. I completely forgot about the surprise he had planned and I feel like an ass. I got caught up in the moment with Alex and wasn't thinking straight.

I blame it on the accent.

I woke up this morning in my bed confused but realized that Silas must have brought me in here before he left for the night. I check my phone which reads eight in the morning so I peel myself out of warm bed to get ready.

I throw my hair up in a messy bun and start to do my eyeliner. I decide against foundation today because I am just feeling lazy. Throwing on a long sleeve black v-neck with a pair of black jeans. I walk to my front door and grab my dark converse and head out.

The owner already is there when I get to the shop. She is an older woman who likes to open the store herself. She has a certain way of doing it. I mean I don't mind because I don't want to get up at six in the morning. As I put on my apron Abbie walks through the door.

"Morning." She greets me with a sleepy voice.

"Morning." I say. The owner gives us a small smile before walking towards the back to her office to do paperwork

Abbie walks over to put her apron on and then starts making the both of us a coffee. It's become a routine, her making us coffee. Every-time we work together she does it. She is better at making coffee than I am since she has been working here longer than I have.

"You excited for your date tonight?" She coos handing me my drink.

"I guess. Kind of nervous though." I sip my latte. The warmth of the coffee slides down my throat warming my chest then my stomach.

"Shit, I would be too. He's is so intimidating but he is fine as hell." She drops her head back as she says it. I laugh at her gesture. 

I go and flip the open sign so customers can come in. The mornings are probably our busiest time since that's when the older people are out getting their morning fix.

" you think Silas will ever ask me out?" Abbie asks for the 100th time.

"Probably not." I don't hesitate and she frowns. "He just doesn't have time for a girlfriend right now."

"Well that's because he's always with you." She nudges my shoulder. "Have you guys know...hooked up?"

"Ew no." I give her a disgusted look.

"You always say that but one of these days you'll spill and tell me the truth." She smiles.

I just shake my head because we've been through this before. She doesn't believe me and that's fine. Maybe one of these days I'll just tell her that yes, we have, just so she will stop asking me. I hear the chime of the bells hanging from the door and look to see our first customer. One after another they start filing in and I begin to take orders.


The day feels like it's going slow but when I look at the clock it reads 4:40pm. Holy shit. How? Realizing Alex will be here in twenty minutes to get me, I start to get nervous.

Speak of the devil.

He holds the door open for an elderly woman before walking in. He has on a pair of black pants with a white button down which is only buttoned half way up showing off more of his skin than usual.

Covering the white shirt is a black jacket. His hair a beautiful mess and his rings are perfectly fit on each of his fingers. When my eyes scanned down I notice how nice his black shoes are.

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