Chapter 20

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Sorry it took so long to update!
Life got busy!

I don't even acknowledge Harry and Niall who are in the room with us. Instead, I make my way to Silas and wrap my arms around him. His hands are cuffed in front of him so he isn't able to hug me back but I feel his body relax under my touch.

I don't want to let go but I'm being forced to. Hands are on my waist tearing me away from Silas and I know it's Harry.

"What can't I hug him?" I start to become angry. Harry places me on the other side of the island further away from Silas.

"Nope." He shakes his head.

"You two shouldn't even be in the same room." Niall speaks up as his eyes are on me.

"No one fucking asked you." I point to Niall. Harry's hand is quick to grab my wrist and roughly bring my arm down to my side.

"Stop it." Harry grits his teeth. I can feel the heat of his anger coming off his body.

"No." I yank my arm free of him. "I know you said that Silas and I couldn't talk to each other but this is bull shit."

"Faye... I'm warning you.." Harry steps closer.

I back away from him. "You have been keeping me here all alone with no one to talk to except for you and now my best friend is here. Do you really just expect me not to fucking talk to him?"

"That is exactly what I expect you to do." He says with anger in his voice.

My eyes scan over to Niall who looks annoyed with what's happening. Fuck him.

"An hour." I bring my eyes to Harry.

"What?" He asks.

"I want an hour alone to talk to Silas. Then we can be separated." I cross my arms over my chest.

Harry's eyes burn into mine and I know he is frustrated with me right now but I can't help it. Silas is in the same room as me and I'm not going to just let them take him away from me again.

"Harry you aren't actually considering this, right? We have orders to keep them separated." Niall says from across the kitchen.

My eyes are pleading with Harry and I notice his hands curl into fists at his sides. He turns his face slightly to look at Niall.

"An hour won't hurt. They can go upstairs in her room and I'll lock the door so they can't escape." He turns back to me. "I'll be timing it."

I can't contain my smile at him allowing us to talk but it slowly fades when he steps closer to me. His mouth meets my ear and whispers only for me to hear.

"You're going to pay for this later." His voice sends chills through my whole body.

He backs away and starts to head toward the stairs. I follow behind him and Silas behind me. We are quiet when we reach the bedroom and Harry lingers for much longer than needed.

"Like I said, I'll be-" he begins to say.

"Timing it. Yes Harry, we know. Now please go." I wave him away as anger fills in his eyes yet again.

The door slams shut and we hear the sounds of it locking. I let out a sigh of relief now that Silas and I are finally alone.

"You have no idea how good it is to see you." I smile up at him.

"Likewise." He smiles back. "I was so worried about what they were going to do to you. When I overheard that you were here it made me worry even more."

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