Chapter 47

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Faye's POV:

We quickly walked through the hallways, going the same way that Nik brought me down here. Harry has a hold of my hand while we rush to get out but also as we try to stay calm, not wanting to draw any attention to us. Once we made it out of the strip club Harry takes his phone out pressing a couple things on the screen and places the phone to his ear.

"Are you outside?" He asks the person and then nods his head slightly as he listens. "Okay. We will be out in a second."

He tucks the phone away in his pocket and I glance behind me to see Silas closely following us. He has a gun in his hand which he probably stole from one of the guards. His eyes continuously move around the areas that we walk through to keep an eye out of anyone coming our way. When we finally reach the front doors, Harry doesn't hesitate to swing it open and searches the driveway full of parked cars. My eyes search with him when they land on Niall who is finishing up putting something in the trunk of the car.

"There you are–" Niall begins to say when we approach him. "Jesus Harry! You got yourself shot?"

"Nik wasn't too happy to find me in Faye's bed." He says nonchalantly making Niall rolls his eyes. "You were supposed to warn me when he got home."

"I did. Must not have heard your phone." Niall answers.

I look over to Harry's shoulder which for a moment I totally forgot he had been shot. "Harry, we need to take you to a hospital."

He turns to me cupping my face in his hands. He winces at the small movement of his shoulder. "We don't have time. We need to get as far away from here as possible."

"I understand that but you can't just go on the run with a fucking bullet in your shoulder!" My eyes stay trained on him.

"I know. That's why Niall is going to take it out for me." He looks to where Niall is standing. "Aren't you buddy?"

"Fuck– fine!" Niall shakes his head.

"Great. Give the keys to Silas, he will drive. Faye get in the front seat." He takes his hands off of me. "Now."

We quickly get in the car and when the last door slams shut, Silas puts the car in drive and takes off. Harry and Niall are seated in the back and I turn my body to watch Niall taking out supplies from a first aid kit. There are pads of gauze sitting in his lap when he pulls out a pair of tweezers.

"Faye." Niall looks up from the kit in his lap. "Is there an empty bottle up there? Need somewhere to put the bullet when I get it out."

I shift my body to look around finding an almost empty water bottle on the floor board. I pick it up and immediately hand it to Niall. "Have you done this before?"

"Yeah." He takes the lid off the bottle. "Isn't the first time Harry's been shot." My eyes widen as they meet Harry's.

"Where exactly am I supposed to be going?" Silas interjects in on the conversation while his eyes stay on the road.

"The airport." Harry hisses once the alcohol swab swipes against his skin. "Faye, you shouldn't watch this."

"I'm fine." I tell him with a shake of my head.

"No seriously Faye, you– fuck Niall!"

"Sorry mate. Didn't mean to press that hard but you're in for it if you thought me pressing the swab against your skin was painful."

Silas presses on the gas pedal, picking up speed trying to get us to the airport. My gaze meets the side of his face for a moment and it just feels so good to be in the same space as him. That and he got out with us. He feels me staring at him and slightly turns his head to smile at me. One hand leaves the steering wheel to meet my thigh, giving it a light squeeze. My attention is pulled away from him when I see Harry out of the corner of my eye, closer to us than he was before.

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