Chapter 34

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I started backing up the story and when I put it into Google Docs... holy crap I made a few writing mistakes and I am so sorry about that lol

While doing all that, I made changes to the horrible grammar mistakes and updated the story

I will from now on only write the chapters in Google Docs then paste it over. Anyways thank you for 13K reads!!

SMUT 18+ (really just blessing you guys with the last three chapters!)

Faye's POV:

Harry opened the door after we heard the knock and is talking to the security guard that has to stand outside of the hotel door. They exchange small conversations and the next thing I know. Harry is rolling in the cart full of food and coffee. I clap my hands together excitedly to just drink the coffee. I could care less about the food right now.

The cart is rolled to the kitchen where Harry takes the covered plates off and sets them nicely on the island. I take a seat on one of the stools as he begins to slide the coffee cup over to where I sit. Wrapping both of my hands around the warm cup, I bring it up to my face but don't take a sip just yet. I know that it will be way too hot to drink so instead I inhale the beautiful scent of the caffeine. My eyes shut as I take it in but when I open them, I see Harry staring at me with a smirk on his face.

"You've missed coffee that much?" He uncovers the plate that has the waffles and then moves on to the eggs.

"I worked in a coffee shop where I drank coffee everyday. Yes, of course I miss it." I bring the rim of the cup to my lips and let the liquid touch it but barely. It is still too hot.   

I set the cup down and reach for the plate with the waffles on it and pull it over to me. Then I go for the syrup and the whip cream, placing them both next to the plate.

"Don't use all the whip cream." Harry tells me before he takes a sip of his coffee.

"Why not? There isn't a lot to begin with." I scoop some out with the metal spoon.

"Because it isn't just for breakfast." He gives a knowing smile as he takes a bite of the eggs set in front of him.

He sets the fork down and grabs the bucket of ice to put it in the freezer. Before he does this though, he picks one out and motions towards my coffee. I nod my head in approval letting him know it's okay to put one in. This way it may cool off faster. Once that is done, he puts the bucket in the freezer and returns to the eggs.

"Those were supposed to be for me." I state as I drizzle the syrup over my waffle.

"And what was I supposed to eat for breakfast? Just my coffee?" He asks.

"Actually yeah. What if I'm still hungry after I eat these waffles and then all the eggs are gone because you ate them?" I give a fake pout.

"I think you'll survive Faye." He lets out a chuckle. I shake my head as I begin to eat my food and we stay silent while we sit in the kitchen.

I clear my plate and sip on my coffee, letting the warmth of the liquid consume my chest. Being in this hotel room is really making me dread going back to the house in the middle of nowhere. It's also making me really fear going to live with Nik. Right now I feel normal. Well as normal as I can feel for someone in this situation. I just want to forget about everything that happened these past months and feel like myself again.

Lately, all I can really think about is what is going to happen to me when I do eventually go be with Nik. What am I going to be doing for him? Another thing that I can't stop thinking about is Silas. Harry hasn't said anything about him since the day he left the house with Niall. Surely Harry would tell me if something bad happened to Silas, right?

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