Chapter 6

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Warning: Descriptions of a panic attack.

If you are going through anything in your life right now, I just want to say I love you <3

You can vent in the comments if you need to.

This is a safe place <3

My eyes leave the ceiling at the sound of the opened door. Hoping it could be my savior but I was disappointed when I saw it was the blonde guy that was sitting with Harry in the diner. My heart sank from my chest as I realized he wasn't going to save me. He meets my eyes then lowers them to my chest.

"She has only been here what...a day and you are already doing this?" The blonde asks as he stays in his spot.

"You know how my temper is Niall." Harry shrugs.

"The others are upstairs with Nik on the phone. There are things we need to discuss." Niall states. They break eye contact to look to me. My eyes move back and forth from each of theirs as I hold my breath.

"Alright." Harry stands up and lays the knife on the table. He doesn't say anything else, they just leave the room.

I finally release the air that had been sitting inside my throat and let out another cry. My head tilts down to see his work on my chest. There are two marks on each side of it, one looks longer than the other.

My white bra is stained red from the blood and the sight of it makes me want to take it off. I jerk myself forward to try and break the chains on the cuffs but they are to strong.

I have only now noticed that the chair is nailed to the floor because as I jerk, it doesn't move at all. I try pulling the handcuffs again the hardest I can. With my jaw clenched giving it all the strength I have as they imprint into my wrist.

I do this for what feels like thirty minutes before I let my head fall down giving myself a break. My head shoots up, eyes on the door as I hear footsteps coming back towards the room.  I place myself back into the sitting position that I was in before he left.

He walks through the door looking a lot calmer than he did when he left. Walking over to where he put the knife down he grabs a rag and wipes my blood off. He sets it into a container of what smells like bleach to cleanse it.

Harry comes behind the chair and undoes one handcuff from the back of the chair, then moves to the other. Standing in front of me now, he unlocks the one on my left wrist and lets it drop to the floor.

He notices the deep indent on my skin from when I tried to break the chain. His eyes shoot up to mine but only for a moment. My wrists are now together with one pair of cuffs as he kneels down to undo the leather straps.

"Come on." He stands up and wraps his hand around my arm, gentle with his touch this time.

When I stand up my legs give out from shock and pain, causing me to drop to the ground. He lifts me up so I am standing in front of him. Placing his hands on my thighs, he lifts me up making my legs wrap around his waist. Ducking his head a little to allow me to put my cuffed wrists around his neck.

He pulls me closer to him as his grip tightens on my legs. I rest my chin on his shoulder out of exhaustion from the lack of sleep, pain and the crying as we leave the room and walk up the basement stairs.

In no time he is setting me down on my bed and walking into the bathroom as I sit there in silence. He comes out holding a bunch of supplies and kneeling in front of me like he did downstairs.

He has a wet rag and a dry one laying next to him. Picking up the wet rag he gently dabs at the cuts on my skin. I shut my eyes from the touch. He slowly makes his way down the cut then moves on to the next.

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