Chapter 36

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Faye's POV:

When we got back to the house that day there had been three security guards sitting at the end of the driveway. We pulled up and they told Harry that they cleared the house and we were safe to go in. Once we did get inside, I told Harry I was going to take a nap since I was still tired. I didn't end up falling asleep and I knew that I wouldn't. I just needed to be alone.

After he told me that Nik would be here by the end of the week to get me, I haven't stopped feeling nauseous. At any moment I feel like I could throw up all over the place but I don't. Going to live with Nik was inevitable. It was going to happen whether I liked it or not. I just hate how quick it is all happening.

Another thing that I hate is not knowing what will happen when I am there. What he will have me do for him or with him for that matter. Will he make me kill someone? Will he try to have sex with me? The thought alone makes me shutter as chills cover my entire body.

It has been four days since the event. Since that man in the bathroom and since Harry and I's hotel experience. He hasn't tried to have sex with me since because he knows how I'm feeling about everything. He would however lay with me at night until I fell asleep to make me feel safe. It is so weird that he is the one that kidnapped me, put me in danger and yet he is the person I feel safest with. Right alongside Silas but seeing as I don't know where he is, all I have is Harry.

And Niall. He is starting to get up there on the list of people I feel comfortable around. He had stopped over the other day to check up on me and to talk business with Harry. Niall seemed very concerned and sincere when speaking with me which made me feel a little better.

Now here I lay on this uncomfortable fucking bed, in the fetal position just staring off thinking about what my new life will be like. My eyes shift from in front of me to the door where Harry silently steps in. He has been a lot nicer to me lately and I'm not sure why since I've been such a pain in the ass.

"How are you feeling?" He asks as he sits on the edge of the bed.

"Tired." I bring my eyes forward again. "Still a bit sick to my stomach over everything."

"You're not.." He pauses. "You're not pregnant are you?"

I'm quick to look over at him, propping myself up on my elbow. "What? No I'm not pregnant, Harry!."

"I mean, you have just been really tired and nauseous lately. Those are signs of pregnancy." He states.

"Those are also signs of anxiety and depression." I'm sitting fully up now staring at him dumbfounded.

"Just asking because you know we haven't been using protection." His body turns to face mine. "And since your birth control has been out of your system for a while, there is a chance that it could happen."

"How do you know so much about all of this?" I scoff, standing up from the bed and walk to the dresser. Opening the drawer I find clean clothes because I want to take a shower.

"Well when there is a chance you got your boss's girl pregnant, you look shit up." When I turn around he is standing in front of me, glaring down at me. "I can't have you getting pregnant."

"First off, I'm not his girl by any means and second I'm not pregnant Harry. The day we were driving home from the hotel I got my period. That's why I asked you to stop so I could get some stuff." I mimic his stare.

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