Chapter 28

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*Brief talk of suicide*

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The sound of footsteps pacing back and forth floods my ears which happens to be  the only thing I can hear in this moment. My eyes slowly begin to flutter open but my vision is still slightly blurred. I try to adjust to the lighting and when I do, I start to see everything.

I'm in the basement. In the dreaded room that I've been before. The metal chair beneath me is hard and uncomfortable to sit on and my hands are attached to the back of it with handcuffs. I'm careful not to make a sound as I lift my head just a little to see Harry.

He is pacing the room with his hand over his mouth. I try to read his face but it's pretty dark in here so I can't tell if he is still as angry as he was out in the woods. I really thought I was going to get out of here. So stupid of me.

My head lifts fully up and follows his movements when he suddenly stops, feeling my stare and looks over to me. His hand drops from his mouth and he is quick to kneel down in front of me. Now instead of looking up at him, we are eye level and I can tell he is still angry but not as much as before.

On his forehead is the mark I left with the branch although it looks cleaner now. He must have washed it while I was still unconscious. My eyes drift from the wound down to his dark green eyes and I sit in silence. He sucks in a deep breath and slowly lets it out.

"What were you thinking?" He asks, his voice low. "That you could actually escape?"

"We've been through this, Harry, remember? When we discussed sleeping with you?" I cock my head to the side. "I'm stupid."

"That you are and this just proves it Faye." He shakes his head as if he is disappointed.

"So what are you going to do to me Harry? You gonna use one of those knives on me? I mean my wounds have finally healed and Nik wouldn't know a thing." I say. "But if you want to make your mark on me again then by all means, do it."

I'm not sure why I'm offering myself up for torture. I guess it's because at this point, I just don't care anymore. He holds his eyes on mine as he tries to think of what to say or do next. He brings his hand up and takes the ends of my hair in between his fingertips.

"You know as much as I would love to, I can't." He tells me while he plays with my hair. "Because Nik is having a very elegant party soon and I'm assuming the dress he is sending for you is going to be pretty revealing. So my spaces are limited on where I could mark you."

"A party?" I give him a confused look. "I'm not going to his party."

He lets out a chuckle then removes his fingers from my hair to grab my neck with his hand. "You don't have a choice, princess. What Nik wants, he gets. And he wants you to make an appearance."

His fingers dig into my skin and then I get that familiar feeling from the woods. I can't breathe and if he holds it any longer, I'll pass out again.

"There's not much I can do to punish you for running." He releases his grip on my throat. "If it were up to me, I'd put a bullet through your head since that's what we do with the other girls who try to run."

My eyes go wide and I clench my teeth together. Why am I surprised he would say that? I mean he had already told me he wouldn't care if I died.

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