Chapter 29

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Faye's POV:

The next couple days have felt like my first two weeks here. I've been staying in my room unless it's meal time then Harry will come in to get me. The handcuffs have stayed on as he is still worried I'll try to run again.

Sleep hasn't really been a thing since I just lie in the uncomfortable bed and contemplate my life. I think of all the things I've done that could have got me here. I've always tried to be a good person so I'm not sure why my life has ended up to be so shitty.

Another reason sleep is nonexistent is because of the noises that come from Harry's room. He has found someone to keep him entertained which is fine because he hasn't tried anything with me. The walls in this house though are paper thin so I can pretty much hear everything. Most of the time I get in the shower to drown out all the noise.

This morning as I lie in bed staring up at the ceiling, I'm interrupted by the door opening and Harry walking inside. I prop myself up on my elbows as he comes to stand at the edge of my bed.

"I have to go into town." He says. "Have to get this suit fit for this party tomorrow."

"And you're telling me why?" I ask.

"Because you need to stay here." He tells me and my eyes go wide with hope but then it disappears. I know he isn't going to leave me here alone. "Niall and Louis are going to stay here with you until I get back."

"Why both of them?" I push myself up to a sitting position.

"Since you tried to run away, I need two men here to look after you. Just in case you want to try it again." He explains.

"But you caught me all on your own." I tilt my head to the side as his green eyes burn into mine. I get that familiar feeling in my stomach that just won't go away.

He lets out a breathy laugh and kneels down in front of me. My eyes never leave his as they now stare up at me.

"They aren't as well trained as I am Faye. I could have found you with my eyes closed." His fingertip trails across my leg and at this point his eyes are no longer on mine.

He watches carefully as he runs his finger along the fabric of my sweatpants. The sound of the front door opens making him stop in its place, giving me three little taps before standing up.

"Shall we?" He holds out his hand for me.

I hesitate for a moment before taking his hand in mine. Harry is quick to grab the handcuffs that were tucked away in his back pocket and places them on my wrists. Once they are secure, he leads us downstairs to where the guys are waiting for us.

We reach the kitchen to find Niall and Louis sitting at the island with their phones in their hands. Harry clears his throat causing both of the men to tear their focus from the phones.

"I shouldn't be long. Just have to go get fitted for this fucking party." He sighs. He sits me down at the small table next to the windows that show a view of the backyard.

"I went this morning." Niall stands up. "Didn't take too long so you should be good."

"Great." Harry says. "Nik said her dress should arrive today so make sure she tries it on."

"Will do." Niall nods with his response.

Harry begins to walk into the hall to leave but turns around to look at me for a moment. It's almost as if he is worried about leaving me here with them. I'm not sure why since Niall seems to be somewhat of a nice guy. I don't know Louis that well but he seems quiet and keeps to himself.

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