Chapter 51

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This is the "last" chapter.  And I put that in quotations because there technically will be one more chapter but it is going to be a time jump!

Faye's POV:

Harry has been gone for thirty minutes. From what I remember, the shop wasn't that far from the hotel and it shouldn't be taking him this long just to grab a phone. Panic rushed my whole body as soon as Harry left the room without me and I have been pacing the entirety of the hotel room. I keep peeking out the window that overlooks the streets below, being careful not to be seen but I haven't seen any sight of him.

"Come on Harry." I whisper to myself. "Where are you?"

When another fifteen minutes passes, I begin to really worry. I try to tell myself that he is okay. Maybe he is just grabbing some lunch to bring back for us. I station myself by the window, continuously checking to see if I can find Harry walking to the hotel. Footsteps sound outside the room, getting closer to the door and I freeze.

A knock comes from the other side and I'm quick to rush over where my hand hovers the door handle. My eyes stare at my hand which is unable to move any further and when another knock sounds causing my eyes to drift up. If this was Harry then he would come in by himself because he has the key to the room.

I drop my hand to my side and slowly back away from the door hoping this person will eventually give up and leave. The next sound that happens is anything but a knock. A loud bang cracks against the old wood making me jump, my hands cover my mouth to keep any noise from coming out. Tears fill my eyes and I quickly search around for a place to hide.

This room is so open that the only place that I could hide would be under the bed. How fucking cliche! Whoever this person is will definitely look under there but it's either that and hope he doesn't find me or stand out in the open. I go to the side of the bed and drop down to my stomach, shimmying my way underneath the bed. It is a tight squeeze under here but I manage to fit.

My hand covers my mouth once again to muffle any cries or sounds that might escape me. Another loud crack comes from the door and this time it doesn't sound like a fist, it sounds like a foot. This person is trying to kick the door down. Trying and succeeding because soon the door flies open then falls to the ground as my body flinches from the action. Black boots step onto the wooden door then stand there for a moment. Tears blur my vision and I attempt to blink them away to watch where he goes.

He slowly moves away from the broken down door and makes his way to the bathroom. He checks the small closets but then comes back into the bedroom since there was nowhere else to hide. I watch as he begins to head out of the door, relief spreading through my body but then soon diminishes as he pauses in his spot. My breathing stops when he turns himself around at such a slow pace that I think time has been frozen. Everything happens in slow motion and he is stepping over to the other side of the bed.

My body shakes as I try to prepare myself for what is about to happen. My eyes shut tight as I feel large hands grab my ankles, forcefully pulling me out from under the bed. A scream leaves my mouth as I am being dragged and once I am fully out from under the bed, the man digs his hand into my hair gripping the strands so tight to bring me up to a standing position.

"Please." I cry out.

He moves me to the edge of the bed where the two chairs sit. When he shoves me down into the seat I see the gun hanging down by his side. My eyes meet him and I recognize him from Nik's house. I never had an interaction with him but I had seen him around. He takes out his phone and presses a button bringing it to his ear.

"Yeah I found her." He has a thick russian accent and it is deep and honestly terrifying. He looks over to me and brings the barrel of the gun to my chin, lifting my head up. "No sign of him yet." He nudges my head up more. "But I'm sure he'll be here soon."

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