Chapter 37

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Harry's POV:

She disappeared from my sight and my nerves went haywire. I wanted to go up there with her because I knew she would have been more comfortable about the whole thing. But no. Nik told me he was done with me and I can go blow off some steam but I'd rather blow off his head. I stared up to the hall where they walked down to her room, away from me. I don't move from my spot at the bottom of the stairs until I hear the bedroom door open and then close.

Tilting my neck to the side, allowing it to crack to relieve some tension, annoyed that Nik was currently alone in a room with Faye. Once I calm myself down, I walk back into the room where the guys were. Collins is still sitting in his spot, smoking a cigarette and his eyes are on me as I round the corner of the couch, glaring down at him.

"Just had to tattle on me, huh Harry? What are we in elementary school?" He barely takes a hit of the cigarette before I rip it out of his mouth and crush it in my hand.

"Maybe if you didn't open your fucking mouth about her then I wouldn't have to." My fist is clenched tight around the cigarette which is burning my hand.

"What's it to you anyways? She's just another bitch for Nik to fuck." Collins starts to take another cigarette out of the carton but doesn't get far because my gun is pulled from my waistband and is pressed to his forehead in an instant. He freezes in his spot as my breathing becomes erratic.

"Do you ever know when to shut the fuck up?" I press the gun harder against his head. "You want me to kill you or should I just wait for Nik to do it? Because you and I both know you're as good as dead."

He is scared. I can see the fear in his eyes. It's in the way that he is breathing and in the tap of his finger against his leg. He swallows hard waiting for me to pull the trigger.

"Enough!" Nik makes himself known in the room. My eyes shoot up to him and he just shakes his head.  "I told you Harry, I will handle him." He walks over to us and wraps his hand around my gun. He pushes it down so it is no longer connected with Collins' head

"Sir, I'm sorry! I didn't mean those things I said." Collins tries to apologize, plead for his life but Nik isn't having it. It shows in his face.

"Collins, why don't we go take a walk and you can tell me what you meant when you called Faye a whore." Nik begins to walk out of the room and Collins isn't too far behind him.

Nik is going to have a hard time with these men when it comes to Faye. She is by far better looking than all the other girls here. Everyone is going to try and get a piece of her but they can't. Nik will kill them if they speak about her in any sexual way, try to touch her or even look at her in any way he doesn't like.  I'm not like those men though because I've already had her, multiple times. A smile spreads across my face as I sit down on the leather couch next to Louis.

"What's got you smiling?" Liam asks from the other couch.

"Just that Collins is going to get what he deserves." I lean back into the couch, letting my arm drape over the back of it.

"You want a line?" Liam as he opens a baggie of coke and starts to spread the white powder out on the coffee table.

"No. I'm good." I shake my head, declining his offer.

"You sure?" He pulls out a credit card to help him perfect his lines. "You've never said no before."

I watch as he finishes up the four lines and realize that Niall has now joined us. One line for each of us. "Fuck it." I shrug and lean forward. "Nik said to reward myself for a job well done."

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