Chapter 3

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Long chapter: this is where everything starts to get interesting :)

Early in the morning I hear Silas come into the apartment. I'm still laying in bed, slowly starting to wake up with the blankets tucked under my chin. He walks straight through the door to my queen sized bed, sitting himself down so his back is resting on the wall. He spreads his legs out in front of him while I roll on my side to check the time. It's 9 in the morning.

"Silas I wanted to actually sleep in today." I groan.

"I was wide awake and I didn't want to wait around for you to wake up." He says. "How was your date?"

I tuck the covers back under my chin as I look up at him. "It went really well."

"Where did he take you?"

"He actually set up a dinner on a hiking trail that overlooked the city." I smile up at him. "It was really romantic." He pretends to gag at my words which makes me laugh.

"And then what?" He keeps questioning.

"And then he brought me back home and left." I turn so I'm lying flat on my back staring at the ceiling.

"Did he kiss you?" He looks over to me.

"Mhm." I hum still looking at the ceiling. There is silence for a moment as I watch the sunlight dance on the smooth white ceiling above me. It almost looks like the reflection of the sun moving on the surface of the ocean.

"Well I guess I'm glad it went well." He finally says. "But I would like you to get out of bed so we can get going." He rises from the bed and rips the covers off. Good thing I wasn't naked.

"Going?" I prop myself up on my elbows.

"The surprise? Since you totally forgot about it and ditched me, I'm taking you today. So get out of bed and get ready." He starts to leave the room to wait out on the couch then he yells over his shoulder. "We are getting breakfast first."

When he says something about breakfast, I pull myself out of bed still a little mad though that I didn't get to sleep in. With working so much I'm always exhausted but can never find the time to actually sleep. It sucks.

I walk to my closet to find something to wear. I have no idea where we are even going so I decide on something comfy. I grab a pair of folded denim boyfriend jeans from the top shelf and a loose black shirt with some rock band design on it.

Throwing the clothes on I make my way to the bathroom to put on light makeup. I fill in my brows and apply mascara and that's about it. It's nice hanging out with Silas because I don't need to impress him. Taking a hair tie off the counter I put my hair up in a messy bun.

When I walk out to the living room to see Silas sitting in the same spot Alex was before we left for the date. Still on his phone, I pick up my black vans and slip them on.

"I'm ready." I announce. He tucks his phone away and we head to his car.


He chooses a small diner downtown for breakfast. The place is pretty crowded given it's a Sunday morning. We get to our seats and start looking over the menus to decide what we want. I choose pancakes and he chose waffles.

"So this surprise..." I start to say.

"Don't try to guess Faye because you won't get it right." He cuts me off.

I roll my eyes and slump back Into the booth. Letting my eyes scan the room looking at all the old black and white photos on the walls, I then notice a group of guys sitting at a table in the back corner. There is a brunette man facing me and we make eye contact.

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