Chapter 44

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Faye's POV:

The morning sun shines brightly through the window as I stare into the backyard. It is a beautiful day, one where I would love to sit outside and read a book, soaking up the sun. Dishes clank around in the sink making me peel my eyes off of the yard to see Harry setting our dirty dishes from this morning's breakfast in the doubled sink to be washed.

It has been a peaceful morning here at the house. We woke up in the same bed not wanting to leave the warmth from under the covers. Our bodies tangled while his fingers grazed my bare back. It felt so nice that I didn't want to leave, just wanted to stay in bed forever.

Although it sounded like a nice plan, we couldn't. When we eventually did make it out of the bed, we came down to the kitchen where he cooked me a proper meal; eggs, pancakes with coffee. It was absolutely delicious and he even offered to do all the clean up when we were done.

I stand here and stare at him scrubbing away at the dirty plates when he catches my eye and gives me a smile. Turning off the water then drying his hands, he walks over towards me. His strong arms wrap around my waist as my gaze falls back towards the view through the window. I allow my head to lean back on his shoulder when he lowers his, pressing his lips to my neck.

"Shall we spend the day outside?" He asks against my skin, his breath warm against me making my whole body relax against his.

"That would be amazing." I smile, turning my head up towards him.

His warm lips find mine, pressing gently against my mouth then suddenly a knock at the door breaks our connection. My head turns to the door for a second then I look at Harry with confusion spread across my face.

"Were you expecting anyone?" I ask him.

"No I wasn't." He states with equal confusion in his voice.

He unwraps his arms from me and I walk away, heading towards the door as my heart races in anticipation of who will be waiting behind it once I open it. I can hear Harry's quiet footsteps from behind me as I reach for the door handle. Giving it a twist, I open the door to find no one standing there but then my eyes trail down to the ground. Lying there in a pool of blood is Silas.

"Oh my god!" My hands fly to my mouth with a gasp and then I drop to my knees. My hands meet his shoulders as I try to shake him awake but it doesn't seem to work. "Silas! No, no, no! Please wake up!"

No response. The tears flow out of me like a running faucet as I stare at my best friend lying dead in front of me. There is so much blood. How long was he out here for?

"Faye..." My name sounds from behind me with a hint of fear in his tone. My head whips around to see Harry standing there and behind him is Nik, with a gun to the back of his head. The fear in Harry's eyes pierces through me like a knife and my heart breaks. Nik stands behind him just smiling like a psychopath.

"Put the gun down Nik!" I demand trying to reason with him. "Please, you don't have to do this!."

"My sweet Faye, you need to be taught a lesson." Nik tsks at me as his head shakes in disapproval.

"Please Nik, I'll do anything... I'm sorry just- please don't kill him." I am pleading as if it were my life on the line. The desperation is thick on my voice and I know he hears it but he couldn't care less.

"It is a little too late to apologize, don't you think?" Nik presses the barrel of the gun hard against Harry's head making him jerk forward a bit, his feet stepping up only to stop where Harry is positioned right in front of me.

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