Chapter 45

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Harry's POV:

When I told Niall I would need his help to get me and Faye out of this shit he looked at me like I was stupid. Like the world's dumbest sentence had just come out of my mouth. He said no at first– and the second time. I continuously tried to reason with him and he finally came around. I know he likes Faye as a person and would want to see her live a life that doesn't have to with the Mafia. After some convincing, he finally agreed to help me.

"What's the plan?" He had asked me.

"Not sure yet." I told him.

"You haven't even come up with a solid plan yet?" He asked as he followed me to my car.

"When I come up with something, I'll let you know. For now just keep her safe please?" I begged. He told me of course he would keep her safe and I trusted him.

When I had left that day, the entire ride back to my place I had been coming up with a plan to get us out of here. Even though I came up with one, which seems too simple, I know I need to figure out a Plan B... and a Plan C for that matter. It has been a couple days since I left and Niall has been keeping me updated on all things Faye.

He had told me about the night he heard her crying so he went in to check and she was a total mess. I guess she had a nightmare but he didn't tell me what it was about; said it wasn't his business to tell me which I totally get. If Faye wants to tell me what the nightmare was about then she will. It had to have been about her dad since those were the only nightmares she had when I was keeping her at the house.

Nik had said this new girl he is having me look over would be at the house a few days ago but here I am, still waiting. I swear he does this fucking shit all the time. It's fucking annoying. I'm sitting in my office now going over paperwork for Nik which he asked me to look over to double check that everything is correct for the current shipment we are sending out. In the back of my mind though I think of Faye, she is always there in my thoughts.

The words and numbers on the papers are becoming blurry the longer I sit here and stare at them. I drop the pen on the desk and rub my eyes trying to get rid of the tired feeling. I haven't really been able to sleep because I am always worrying about Faye all the damn time. Now that she isn't under the same roof I panic that something could happen to her but part of my mind is at ease knowing Niall is in charge of watching after her. If it were any of the other men Nik has working for him I wouldn't trust them, not one fucking bit. Like Collins for example. I know for fact he would try something with Faye not caring how much she means to Nik but luckily for me, Nik killed him for the way he spoke to her.

I lean back into my leather chair, letting my head rest against the soft cushion to where my eyes meet the ceiling but am quick to lean forward again when there is a knock at the front door. I suck in a deep breath and push the rolling chair backwards to go answer it. The sounds of my footsteps trailing down the hall are the only thing that fill this quiet house and I hate it. I miss having Faye here. Even if she was always getting on my nerves, it was entertaining.

When I finally reach the door, I undo the many locks and open it up wide to see Louis standing there with a blonde girl who has her eyes hidden by a blindfold, mouth covered with duct tape and handcuffs around her wrists.

"She's all yours." Louis shoves her through the doorway where she stumbles into me, letting out a muffled whimper.

"Great." I huff. "Don't want to come in? Stay awhile?" The only reason I ask is because I am bored. This girl is going straight upstairs and I wouldn't mind Louis staying and having a drink and just bullshitting with me.

"I gotta get back to Niks." He declines my offer.

Of course he does. "Okay. Thanks." I grab the girl by the arm and drag her up the stairs. We make our way up, her trying to put up a fight with me but of course I'm stronger.

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