Chapter 21

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Smut: 18+
Also this is a long chapter of only smut so you're welcome!

Harry's hand is still twisted in my hair as he pulled us out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. Once we get to the bed he immediately sits down with me standing in front of him.

He tucks his fingers into the waistband of my sweats and pulls them down to my ankles as well as my underwear. He is quick to grab my wrist and pulls down so I am bent over his legs.

"You need to be taught a lesson Faye." His hand runs over my ass. "You don't get to act the way you did and just get away with it."


My body jerks forward as a reaction and I let out a gasp from the sting of his palm. His hand massages the spot on my ass he just spanked before he lifts his hand up for it to meet the sensitive skin again.

"Shhh.." he massages the red skin again. "I want you to count them."

I pick my head up and peer at him over my shoulder. He meets my gaze and I notice the darkness in his green eyes and the sight sends chills through my body. He looks like a lion reading to catch his prey and it makes my stomach heat up.

"If you don't count out loud or you lose track then we will start over, do you understand?" He keeps eye contact as he continues to massage me.

I give a small nod in understanding but his face becomes full of anger. Harry's hand leaves my ass and grips my hair, pulling my head up just a little.

"How many times do I need to tell you to use your words?" His jaw clenched as he spoke against my ear.

My heart is racing and I can feel myself getting wet just by his actions. Who knew this would be such a turn on for me?

"I...I understand." I stutter.

He releases my hair and my head drops down by his leg. "Mmm good girl."

His hand meets my ass in the same spot he hit before but leaves it there for a moment. "Start counting Faye."

"One." I say out loud.


"Two." I try to say clearly through the pain. How many is he going to give me?

He continues to bring his hand down to my skin with each smack getting harder, my skin becomes more raw. I continue to count as tears start to form in my eyes at the feeling but I don't want him to stop.

Another loud sound of his palm meeting my ass fills the room.

"Fourteen." I whimper.

"One more baby." He tells me as he prepares for the last hit. I clench my teeth and screw my eyes shut at the last impact.

"Fifteen." I mutter softly.

He begins to lightly massage the red skin as my head dangles at his side. I catch my breath and focus on that alone to try and rid the pain from my mind.

"My sweet girl did such a good job." He praises me as his hand wanders away from my ass and to my pussy. "Fuck... look how wet you are from your punishment."

His finger slides over the wetness and down to my entrance. My mouth opens as he pushes his finger deep inside me.

"You're dripping down your thighs, angel. What a beautiful fucking sight." He draws his finger out of me causing my head to pop up from his absence to look at him.

He carefully watches as he gathers my arousal from my thigh onto his finger, bringing it up to his mouth. As he slides it past his lips, I watch as he closes his eyes taking in my taste.

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