Chapter 31

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Sorry for the long wait. I started writing the chapter then caught the flu :(

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Faye's POV:

Harry and I sit in the back of a large black SUV that's headed to the party at the hotel. The air is silent but there is a hint of whatever song is playing on the radio. The driver taps his fingers to the beat on the steering wheel and I keep catching him steal glimpses at me.

I've made eye contact a couple times and he just smiles in a creepy way, making me a little uncomfortable. Beside me, Harry lets out a long annoyed breath making me realize he notices the guy checking me out. My eyes find the window because I don't want to see the guy making flirty eyes with me anymore.

Harry moves slightly more to me and I feel him place his hand on my leg. My head turns quickly to look at his placement then I look at his face. He is facing forward staring straight into the rearview mirror right at the guy. I see the driver's eyes go from Harry's eyes down to his hand and he lets out a small laugh.

"What's so funny?" Harry asks as he squeezes my leg. Why is he doing this? He's acting jealous for what reason?

"Isn't that Niks girl?" The driver motions his head towards me.

"Yes it is so why are you eye fucking her? He won't be happy to hear about this." Harry shakes his head in disapproval.

"Oh yeah? And how will he feel when I tell him you had your hands on her?" The driver spits back. He turns the wheel taking us into the parking lot of the hotel.

Harry lets out a little laugh as he leans forward to get closer to the driver. "Who do you think he's going to believe, huh? A useless fucking driver or someone who's been by his side for years?"

"Given your past with that one girl, I think he'll believe me on this one." The driver gives an evil smile as he brings up the past.

My jaw drops at his statement. How does he know about all of that? Harry leans back in the seat and removes his hand from me. The driver still has a smile on his face as if he just won the argument but the way that Harry's leg is bouncing and how tense his jaw is, I feel like the fight isn't over just yet.

We pull up behind two black cars that are waiting for valet when Harry leans forward and pushes the gear stick into park.

"What the hell?" The driver turns back to look at Harry.

"Faye, look out the window." Harry instructs but before I can respond he lunges forward and wraps his hand around the driver's throat.

"Harry!" My hands grab his shoulder to try to pull him off of the guy but he's too strong.

"How's he going to believe you when you're dead?" Harry spits through his teeth as the guy gasps for air.

"Harry stop!" I yell but it's no use. He doesn't hear me.

Harry quickly positions himself directly behind the seat with his hand still on his throat. He reaches his other hand around to grab the guys face and with one swift move Harry snaps his neck and his body goes limp. A gasp leaves my lips as I watch Harry lean back into the seat and straighten out his jacket.

"You just killed him...." I say in disbelief.

"He shouldn't have looked at you that way." Harry reaches for the door handle.

"You didn't have to kill him for that!" I yell, making Harry release the door handle and turn to me.

"He's lucky I got my hands on him before Nik did!" He points to the guy. "Nik would have made him fucking suffer, tortured him before actually killing him. So really, I did him a fucking favor! Now get out of the car so we can get this night over with."

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