Chapter 49

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Make sure to Read chapter 48 first!

This one is ALL smut so you're welcome :)

Faye's POV:

I nodded my head while it was still resting in Harry's hands. He lowers his hands from my face and grabs the small shampoo bottle off the side of the tub. "Turn around baby." He demands and I do so. I shift my body around to my back and I feel him readjust himself, sitting up more to get a good angle. The shampoo bottle clicks open and I listen as he squeezes the contents into his hand then I feel his lips just below my ear. "Tilt your head back." I obey immediately. "Good girl."

With my head back, I allow my eyes to shut as he begins to massage the shampoo into my hair. His fingers entangle into my hair meeting my scalp as he slowly spreads the bubbles around my head.  A low moan forms in my throat from how amazing this feels, to have someone else do this for me. It reminds me of going to the salon and having them wash my hair. It was always my favorite part.

"Feel good baby?" Harry's voice is low.

"Mhm." I hum in response.

Harry reaches over to grab a shower head which I didn't even realize was there. With one press of a button, the water comes out of the small holes and he raises it to my hair. I close my eyes as the pressure of the water mixed with his fingers begins to clear out all the shampoo. Once it is all washed out, he moves onto his own hair which again I didn't even notice he had shampooed in the first place. He takes the conditioner and repeats all the steps he did earlier from massaging it deep into my hair then clearing it all out with the shower-head.

"Clean girl." He peppers kisses from the top of my shoulder up to my neck. "Lean back."

I do as he says, both of us leaning backwards to where his back is resting against the wall of the tub and mine is resting against his body. With one hand he trails his fingers from my collarbone down to my breast where he cups one fully into his hand. My eyes shoot open when I feel the shower-head graze my thigh, moving between my legs.

"Did you know that this is the only room on this entire floor?" He whispers into my ear, the tip of the shower-head lightly touches my clit causing my breath to hitch. "Do you know what that means baby?"

"No-" I mutter the word, unable to say anything else.

Using the shower-head, he pushes my leg to the side giving him better access to please me. "It means that you can be as loud as you want." He dives into my neck where his tongue flattens against my skin before he nips at the sensitive area. "Don't have to worry about anyone hearing us... catching us."

He repositions the shower-head right at my clit and presses the button to turn it on. My hands immediately find his legs, squeezing them tightly as the pressure of the water hits me. My mouth falls open wide but I don't let any sound escape me except for the small pants of breath.

"Come on baby." He brings his hand up from my breast and grips my jaw, tilting my head to the side. I feel his teeth graze my jaw. "Wanna hear those pretty sounds you make."

The setting on the shower-head changed causing a more powerful stream of water to hit my clit. "Ah! Fuck Harry!"

"That's it. That's my good girl." He coos in my ear. "Feels good, doesn't it Faye?"

"Yes- Holy sh- please don't stop!" I beg as my breathing becomes sporadic, my fingers digging deep into his legs. 

"You want me to make you cum this way?" His voice is deep and full of lust.

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