Chapter 46

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Faye's POV:

Remember when you were younger and your parents caught you doing something you were told not to? The instant fear of being caught and then you are overcome with the anxiety of what your punishment will be for going against them? That's how this feels except worse because in this case you don't get grounded. You don't get told you can't see your friends for an entire week or that you have to do hundreds of chores around the house. No this is nothing like that. The reason that this isn't the same as when we were younger is because someone is about to die.

The fear that is ignited in my body right now feels like my whole body is going to burst in flames. I'm afraid to move from my spot on the bed even though I know I should get up to move away from Harry but we are both just frozen. My eyes don't leave Niks face but then they drag down from his anger filled eyes to the gun that is being held tightly in his hands.

Thank god Harry and I got dressed after we had sex because the whole situation would have been even worse if we had been caught lying in the bed completely naked. Nik doesn't move; doesn't say anything which is more terrifying than if he were to yell.

His eyes burn into mine and I want so badly to look away but I can't. For a moment longer they stay on me then drift to Harry. Full on hatred overcomes Niks expression and out of the corner of my eye I see Harry slowly get out of the bed. The mattress dips and then he is standing up, holding his arms up in defense.

"Nik–" The name comes out as a whisper.

He pulls the trigger. A loud pop sounds throughout the whole room, bouncing off of the walls and piercing my ears causing me to flinch and shut my eyes. I'm immediately crying but am too afraid to open my eyes because I don't want to see Harry lying dead on the floor. The only reason I do eventually open my eyes is because I hear Harry yell out in pain.

When my eyes open I see him kneeling on the floor holding his shoulder. Nik shot him right in the shoulder not in the heart or the head. Is he going to drag this out? Is he going to make me watch him kill Harry?

"You fucking lied to me!" Nik yells as he rushes forward to Harry. He presses the gun to his head and I let out a soft gasp making his eyes find mine. "And you."

"Nik... I'm sorry! I shouldn't— we shouldn't have." My words are apologetic and full of panic but he doesn't seem to care.

"Enough!" Nik shouts, silencing me. "I will not have my future Queen whoring herself around to the men who work for me." His words hurt but also make me angry. I am not his to begin with and I wasn't whoring myself out to the multiple men who work for him. Nik's eyes are quick to look down at Harry. "As for you, you fucking lied right to my face! I told you what would happen if you did this shit again, didn't I?"

"Yes– you did." Harry answers through the pain that radiates through his shoulder.

"Grab him." Nik calls out to one of the many men standing by the doorway. "You know where to take him. Just give me a minute."

A large man with a full black suit on walks into the room and takes Harry by the arm, yanking him up to his feet. Only when they start to walk towards the door do I leave the bed.

"No! Please Nik don't do this!" I rushed over to him. My feet plant in front of him then I place my hands on his face to make him look at me. "I'm sorry, okay? I'm so sorry! I won't do anything like this again. I promise! I–" Nik's hand hits me hard.

When the back of his hand connected with my cheek it immediately resurfaces the pain from where Frank had hit me. Nik somehow managed to strike the same exact spot without even knowing.

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