Chapter 15

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Harry's POV:

The boys and I ended up going into the basement. Niall, Louis and Liam are all sitting in chairs messing around on their phones while I'm pacing around the room.

"How much longer do you think they'll be?" I ask, looking at Niall.

"I don't know Harry." He shrugs.

"Why are you so worried?" Louis asks, looking up from his phone.

"I just don't want him finding out that I hurt her." I rub my mouth.

"Or maybe you don't want her to tell him what the two of you were doing in the kitchen." Niall smirks.

"Oh shut up Niall." I spit.

"What happened in the kitchen?" Louis asks and Liam's attention is now on us.

"Nothing." I answer.

"His hands were down her pants." Niall looks to Louis.

"Mate... you didn't." Louis says. "You know what happened with the last one."

"What happened between me and Faye was nothing." I wave my hand. "Won't happen again."

I go back to being silent and pacing around the room. They take the hint and go back to their phones while my mind wanders to Faye. What happened in the kitchen was beyond me. I don't know why I allowed myself to kiss her... or touch her for that matter. I just couldn't help it.

And then I think back to what happened the last time I got involved with one of the girls. It didn't end well and I am surprised that I'm still alive. I shake the thought out of my head when I hear a phone buzz. I turn quickly to the guys to see whose phone it was. Niall holds up his phone letting us know it was his.

"Boss man says we are good to come back up."

They each stand up from their chairs and head for the door but my feet feel like they are stuck in place. There is a part of me that wants to stay down here... that doesn't want to face Nik right now. But if he found out about me hurting Faye, I'm sure he would have stormed down here right?

My feet finally align with my brain and start walking. As I go up each step I can feel my heart starting to beat faster. It doesn't take long to make it to the kitchen and when I do I see Nik talking to the guys and Faye is sitting at the island with her head down.

It is hard to see but I can tell she has been crying. When I make my way over to Nik and the guys I keep stealing glances at her but she doesn't look up. It's like she is in her own little world. I bring my attention to the group when Nik looks at me.

"I'll be back in a month or two for her." He looks over at Faye.

"Why so long?" I question.

"I'm doing some renovations at the house and I don't want her there right now." He answers. "She's got a little attitude to her so don't let her push your buttons Harry."

"I won't." I lie because she will always push my buttons.

"She is very beautiful." He looks back at Faye then to me, stepping closer. "Do I need to have the speech with you again about getting involved with the girls?"

"No.. you don't." I answer him.

"Good because if it does happen again..." He takes another step towards me. "It will be your life that I take."

I nod in understanding and he grins. He looks once more at Faye who hasn't moved and then walks out of the kitchen. Liam and Louis follow in suit behind him but Niall stays back for a moment. He looks between me and Faye but doesn't say anything and he doesn't have to. I give him a small nod and he leaves the kitchen and is out the front door.

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