Chapter 16

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*Smut* 18+
Also this is a long chapter 😳

Harry's POV:

I'm not sure how we ended up like this. Faye wouldn't stop crying last night. I tried my best to calm her down and we ended up falling asleep in her bed and now I'm still here.

I lay on my back with her head on my chest and her arm wrapped around my waist. If Niall were to barge in right now he would be having a field day.

I know I should have snuck out last night but I was so exhausted I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep. As I lay here listening to her calm breathing, I close my eyes and allow myself to enjoy this for just a moment.

This is what my life would be if it were normal. It's what it should be like. Laying in bed with a girl by my side, not having to worry about someone barging in.

But that's not my life.

My life used to be simple. I had a great family, great friends and I enjoyed school. I was a nice and caring guy who would do anything for the people that he loved. But then shit happened.

I found out my father was involved with the Mafia and he made me join saying that the business should stay in the family. Then he died. My whole family actually died. My mom and my sister. All because of the fucking Mafia.

I, however, am still alive because I'm good at what I do. And I hate that. The Mafia made me into a terrible person that I just don't fucking care about anything anymore.

I do whatever Nik tells me and I don't blink an eye when I have to kill someone. It's messed up.

I let out a long breath as I feel Faye stir next to me. Fuck...I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't be enjoying this. Especially not with her.

Nik said she was special but I didn't know what he wanted her to do. He wants her to help lead the Mafia? There is no fucking way. She isn't cut out for this life.

She nuzzles her head into my chest and my heart is starting to race at the thought of someone walking in. Even though the guys don't come out here too often because the place is mine.

Nik asked me to find a secluded place a couple years back where we can hide drugs, weapons and women. I found this cabin and it was perfect. He put it in my name so I own it.

I need to get out of here now. I gently grab her wrist and pick it up to bring her arm off of me. Sliding slowly out from underneath her, I place my hand beneath her head so it doesn't fall hard onto the mattress. This mattress is a piece of shit. I don't know how she sleeps on it every night.  I crawl out of the bed and make my way to the door. When I turn around, she is thankfully still sleeping.

Out in the hallway I head towards my room and immediately go into the bathroom. I need to shower this guilt off. Nothing even happened between us in that bed but I still feel guilty.

I turn the water on and strip down to nothing. I rub my sleepy eyes and then let my hands brush through my hair before stepping into the warm water.

It rushes over me as I stand underneath the stream. Washing all the guilt away but then my mind goes back to Faye and how it felt laying with her. Sure I feel guilty now but in that moment it felt really good.

Just like what happened in the kitchen. I let my head fall backwards when I remember how she felt wrapped around my fingers.

"Fuck." I sigh.

The look on her face as I pumped in and out of her. The sounds that came out of her mouth. I feel myself harden just at the thought.

I bring my hands to my face and try to get the images out. I can't be thinking about her like this. After a second of trying to calm myself down, I remove my hands from my face and open my eyes.

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