Chapter 24

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You are about to read about what happened to Cora so I wanted to give you a photo of what I envisioned her to look like.

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Harry's POV:

We lay in my king size bed in silence. She's resting her head on my arm as her face nuzzles into my chest. For a moment I allow myself to feel normal. Like I'm at an apartment I own in London with the girl that I love in bed with me.

Her breathing is calm as I play with her hair and I feel her smile against my skin. This was never supposed to happen. She was supposed to be just another girl for Nik, for the business but there was something about here I couldn't escape.

I tried my hardest to stay away from her but I couldn't. I didn't want to but I fell in love with her. In a couple weeks I was supposed to hand her over to Nik but the thought of doing that makes me nauseous. I know what he does to those girls. Cora shouldn't have to be put through that.

She shifts her body a little so her face turns up towards me.

"What are you thinking about?" She asks.

"How I want to get you out of this place." I tell her honestly. "You shouldn't be here Cora."

"Then let's leave." She props herself up so now she's looking down at me. "You have a car out front. Lets just get in it and go."

"It's not that simple." I shake my head.

"And why not?" She traces her fingers on my bare chest.

"He won't stop until he finds us."

"But it's worth a try, right?" She asks. "I want to get out of here just as much as you want me to get out of here."

"I'll figure out something okay?"  I tuck her dark hair behind her ear.

She leans down and presses her soft lips to mine. Our kiss is slow and passionate but quickly turns into more. I pull her on top of me but then there is a knock at the door.

"Shit." I whisper.

She gets off of me and frantically starts putting on her clothes. It's most likely Niall but why is he here at this time of night? I put a shirt on and Cora runs into the bathroom to stay hidden.

When I open the door, my heart falls to the floor.


"Hello Harry. Sorry to come at a time like this but..." he steps into the room. "I have some business to take care of."

"In my bedroom? At midnight?" I ask.

"Where is she?" He turns towards me.

"What?" My body freezes in its place.

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