Chapter 38

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Warning: Talk of human trafficking and drugs

Faye's POV:

As Nik led me into the room that I will be staying in my heart wouldn't stop beating erratically. From the fact that I was no longer with Harry and because I was alone in a room with Nik. My eyes scan the room and if I weren't already depressed about this whole situation, then I will be now. Don't get me wrong, the room is actually really nice but it is dark.

The walls are a dark blue as are the curtains that cover the large windows and the comforter that is draped over the king size bed. The bed looks more comfortable than the one at the house in the woods. I turn my head to the left to see the entryway to the bathroom. Walking away from Nik, I let myself through the bathroom doors and notice the walls and curtains are the same color as the bedroom.

The clawfoot tub sitting to the right of the room is the same shade but just a bit lighter with the white acrylic lining around the top. Over to the left is a stand up shower with shiny black tiles and exposed copper piping. The showerhead is copper to match the pipes and the door is glass.

"What do you think?" Nik's voice sounds from behind me

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"What do you think?" Nik's voice sounds from behind me.

I turn my body to face him. "It's really nice... a bit dark but it's nice."

"Out of all the rooms in the house, I figured you would like this one the best." He steps closer to me. "From what Harry gathered, your favorite color is blue. If you would like to see the other rooms we can go see them right now."

"Blue is my favorite color." I tell him but wonder how Harry even knew that because I had never told him. "This room is fine Nik."

He nods his head. "I know this is a huge change for you but I just wanted you to feel comfortable."

This is coming from the guy who killed my father. Who had me kidnapped to join this absolute shithole of a life. "I'll adjust."

The lie was smooth rolling off of my tongue and it was enoughcomfort to make him smile. He walks over towards me more and I don't realize that I have taken a step back placing myself against the counter. My breath hitches as he reaches his hand up to my face, gliding his thumb along my cheek.

"You don't have to be afraid of me Faye." He tilts his head to the side. "I'm not going to hurt you." He looks as if he wants to kiss me but I don't let him. My head drops letting my eyes meet the floor and his hand drops from my face. "I'll give you a couple days to adjust and get to know the place. Then we will need to talk about business."

"Okay." I nod with a shaky voice.

"There are a couple rules though that I expect you to obey." He begins. "You have more freedom here due to the high security but you can only roam so far. On the other side of the house there is a club. You do not go there unless you are with me, do you understand?"

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