Chapter 50

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I currently have Covid and am quarantined in my room. This is why you guys are getting updates so fast lol

Harry's POV:

This is how I wanted my life to be. To wake up in a bed in London, with the woman that I'm madly in love with, who I get to spend every single day of my life with. Being a part of the Mafia I never thought I would ever get this life because I was too tied down to the business to be with someone else. Now that is over, well kind of, I can finally have that.

I'm done doing shady shit for Nik. He doesn't deserve my time anymore now that Faye is in my life. She deserves all of my time; all of my attention. When she asked me what we are going to have to do if Nik eventually finds us, which I know he will, I told her we would just have to put up a good fight. Which is the truth but I left out the most important part of what we will actually have to do. We will have to kill him.

If we want to be truly free from Nik that is what will need to happen. I know I should have fucking shot him in the head rather than the shoulder but I wasn't thinking straight. I almost lost Faye– she almost killed herself to save both Silas  and I just wanted to get her the fuck out of there. Looking back I wish I would have killed him right then and there that way we could be lying here peacefully together not having to worry about him finding us.

Faye is curled up into me, her head resting on my chest while her arm and leg are draped over my body. My hand is playing with her hair, combing through it softly as she sleeps peacefully and right now is the calmest I've ever heard her breathe.

I wish she would sleep like this all the time because I absolutely hate when she has nightmares. I can't do anything for her but hold her and comfort her while she cries. I fucking hate it when she cries. It twists my heart and then rips it into a million pieces when she is sad.

I suck in a deep breath trying to remove the image of her being sad from my mind and try to focus on her now. My hand leaves her hair, trailing down to her bare back where I begin to draw circles over her soft skin. The action causes her to hum against me then she plants her lips onto my chest. She settles her head back and tilts it up to look at me.

"Morning." Her voice is sleepy as are her eyes. The time difference between here and the states will take her a while to adjust to.

"Morning my beautiful girl." I kiss her forehead.

She softly smiles. "What do we have planned today?"

"Well," I bring my free hand up and tuck it behind my head, "I need to call Niall to see where he is at. Other than that, nothing." I bring my eyes down to hers which are half open staring up at me. "We can spend all day in this bed if you want."

"Mmm..." She hums and props herself up on her elbow just slightly. Her lips find mine, leaving just a small trace of a kiss. "I wouldn't mind that."

That kiss wasn't enough for me. I needed more so I removed my arm from her back and turned her over so my body is hovering over hers. She looks so angelic staring up at me right now. The sun shining through the curtains and is leaving a ray of light across half of her face and I lose my breath for a moment.

I lean my head down, pressing my lips hard against hers giving her the kiss that I wanted. Her hands snake up around my neck, pulling me into her to deepen the kiss. My tongue darts out, gliding along her bottom lip until she parts her mouth for me, giving me permission to enter her.

She is warm and sweet against my tongue which causes me to moan. I kiss her lips once more and then the corner of her mouth leaving peppers of kisses down her jaw and to her neck.

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