Chapter 9

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Warning: Small talk of blood

There's a burn from the cuts he made on my stomach. A long one trails down my body from just below my ribs past my belly button. The cut on the left is as long but it still stings. He also made a marking on my inner arm.

I'm not sure how long we have been down here but at this point he is cleaning off the knife he used on me.

Three cuts but he took his time in between each. I don't know if he did it to be mean and let me sit in the pain or if he did it to let me catch my breath before he started another one.

His eyes are back to their normal green as he cleans up his mess. I look down to my body to see the blood from the wounds on my stomach running down to the cusp of my sweatpants.

He fishes his phone out of his pocket and scrolls until he finds a name. Probably Louis. There is no answer so he tries another time.

"Fucking answer!" He grits his teeth.

No one answers the phone and I'm sure he has tried the other guys too. He leaves the room to go up the stairs and starts banging on the door. No one answers so he huffs back into the room. He paces back and forth in a panic as he keeps stealing glances at me.

He doesn't look for too long,  almost like he can't stand to see me this way. Running his hand through his messy hair, he picks his phone up off the table and tries them again.

Still nothing.

"I'm going to kill them." He slams the phone down on the table.

My eyes watch his every move as he starts to panic.

"They'll answer just keep calling them." My voice is weak.

"No they won't. I need to get you to your room to clean you up." His hand rubs his mouth. "If I don't then they won't heal properly."

"Hmm..." is all I'm able to say as my eyes close from the pain.

"Faye.." I hear him come closer to me.

My head drops because I can't hold it up anymore. I only slightly open my eyes when his hands lift my head up.

"Hey look at me." He says. "Faye, are you going to pass out?"

"I... think so." I whisper.

"You aren't losing that much blood... does the sight of blood make you squeamish?"

"No... I think... the pain." I can't make a complete sentence right now.

Harry's hands are still on my face as he taps my cheeks lightly. "Faye, keep your eyes open okay?"

Before I could answer the door opens revealing Louis with a panicked expression on his face.

"What the hell took you so long?" Harry yells as he still has a hold of me.

"Jesus Harry what did you do to her?" Louis asks as he comes over to us. "Nik is going to be so pissed at..."

"Shut the fuck up and help me get her upstairs." Harry spits as Louis begins to unlock the handcuffs.

With my arms not restrained anymore my body starts to drop to the floor but Harry is quick to catch me. He tells Louis to grab the sweatshirt off the floor and help him put it on me.

When the material is covering my body, they try to stand me up but I'm fading from the pain.

"Just carry her. Everyone up there is either drunk, high or both. They won't even notice." Louis tells him.

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