Chapter 10

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His hands still cup my face as I stare into his eyes. The green in them is lighter than I've ever seen. Normally they are dark and scary but that's because he's always been angry with me.

Not at this moment though.

They are bright and soft, holding a sort of gentleness to them. They dance between mine as we keep our feet grounded to the floor, standing so close to each other.

He parts his lips like he wants to say something else but then quickly closes them. My eyes move from his mouth back up to his strong gaze.

I find him staring at my lips but he slowly wanders his stare back up to my eyes.

"Do you really mean that?" I manage to whisper out the words.


"Are you... are you going to do this again?" My eyes fall to my body and he follows.

Even though I am wearing the sweatshirt he still looks to where my wounds are.

"I don't know." He admits making me shoot my head back up. "I'll try not to but when I get angry I black out... I don't know what I'm doing or saying half the time."

Tears form in the brim of my eyes knowing that he could hurt me again. The smallest thing could make him angry and I would be back down in that cold basement.

His thumb gently brushes against my cheek catching tears that have fallen. His face has an innocent expression to it and for a moment I find myself more relaxed.

I watch as his eyes dart to my full lips, making him suck in a deep breath. He moves his head closer to mine but I don't move. Instead I stay in my place as I can feel his hot breath on me, the smell of alcohol consuming my nose.

I think back to when he said he was Alex. How the last time he went in like this to kiss me my heart fluttered and I was so excited. Now my heart is racing from a different type of nerve and I'm not sure how to feel. I know that I should pull away but I don't.

Inching closer so our lips barely touch, he brushes the tip of his nose against mine. Just as he is about to fully press his lips to mine there is a loud bang on the door.

He freezes in his position and closes his eyes tighter, probably hoping whoever it is will go away.  Within seconds we hear the loud banging again.

"Styles!" A muffled voice yells.

Harry lets out an annoyed sigh as he releases his hands from my face. Walking over to the door he unlocks it and flings the door open to see Niall standing there looking all panicked.

"What could you possibly need at this very moment?" Harry doesn't try to hide the fact that he's annoyed.

Nialls eyes shoot to me for a quick moment as I tuck my hair behind my ears, then he looks back to Harry.

"There's a fight going on downstairs." Niall tells him.

"Fucking drunk people." Harry runs his hand through his curls. "Can't you just make them leave? I'm kind of in the middle of something."

My heart begins to race as Niall looks between Harry and I with confusion in his eyes.

"I tried but-" Niall starts to say but suddenly there is a loud popping sound that comes from downstairs. The noise makes me jump out of fear because I know exactly what it is.

Both Harry and Niall look to the stairs then to each other. Niall reaches to the back of his jeans and pulls a gun out of his waistband.

My eyes widen at the sight of the gun and I watch as he clicks the safety off ready to use it when Harry walks over to me. I don't take my eyes off Niall holding the metal gun that is now down by his side.

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