Chapter 11

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It's been a couple days since the party and Harry has pretty much kept to himself. He only came around me when it was time to eat and then he'd walk me back up to my room. I hate saying that.

My room.

It's not my room at all. It's a prison cell that I'm never going to escape from.  I've been cooped up in this room for so long and I would love to get some fresh air. I climb off the bed and head to the window which unfortunately doesn't open.

It looks so beautiful outside though. The sun is shining down on the trees surrounding the house. I can hear the muffled sounds of birds chirping in the tall trees.

This window overlooks the side of the house which makes me wonder what the backyard looks like.

Consumed in my thoughts I didn't even hear the bedroom door open. I'm pulled out of my mind by the sound of Harry clearing his throat. When I turn around I see him leaning in the doorway.

"Lunch is almost here." He tells me.

"Okay." I pad my way over to him where I lift my wrists for him to put the handcuffs on.

He looks down at my wrists then back up to my eyes.

"You don't need them today." He steps out of the way letting me go first down the hall.

He follows behind me as I reach the stairs, walking down them and into the entryway. I turn slightly down the hall that leads us to the kitchen.

When my feet hit the tile floor I walk over to the window to look outside at the backyard. It's absolutely beautiful.

There is a browned tiled patio with a white bench sitting off to the left. Next to the bench are stairs leading up to more stairs. Flower pots line the siding of the steps and when you reach the top there is an area of grass.

Trees and bushes surround the grassy area but there are none overhead. What I would give to go out there right now and feel the warmth of the sun.

"Can I

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"Can I.. go out there?" I mutter.

"No." Harry is quick to answer.

"Harry please? I've been trapped in this house for how long now? I'm sure my Vitamin D is low so I could use some sun." I beg.

"Faye..." he looks at me with a stern expression.

"Oh come on! I'm not going to run. Even if I were there is no way out of there." I point to the backyard.

I'm not wrong. I would have to run through the bushes just to get into the woods.

I keep my eyes on Harry as my lips form into a pout. He lets out a sigh and goes to open a drawer on the kitchen island. He then pulls out a pair of handcuffs and walks over to me.

"Fine." He says clasping a cuff to me and then putting the other half around his wrist. "I can't have you trying to run."

Excitement washes over me and a smile forms on my lips as he unlocks the back door and swings it open. The fresh air hits me hard and it takes my breath away.

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