Chapter 22

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Harry's POV:

After we were done, I grabbed a towel to help clean Faye up and got her new clothes. As I hand her the clothes, my eyes scan over her naked body and I come to the realization... I'm so fucked it's not even funny.

I thought that maybe if I just slept with her once that I would get it out of my system. That it would help get all this pent up frustration out but nope. That was a stupid fucking thought.

My eyes don't leave her body as she slips the black sweater over her head. Her hair stays tucked inside when her eyes meet mine. She gives me a small smile then brings her hands up the collar of the shirt, fixing her hair.

"Are you regretting it?" She asks me.

Honestly, I kind of am but then again I'm not. I'm regretting it in the sense that if Nik finds out, I'll be killed. On the other hand, I don't regret it because it was amazing.

"No." I settled on the one word answer.

"You sure? Because your face is saying otherwise." She stands up from the bed to walk over to me.

"Guess I'm just nervous if Nik finds out." I tell her honestly.

"Harry..." She stops in front of me. "What happened last time?"

I look down to her eyes where curiosity sits waiting for an answer but I can't give her one. It's not something I want to talk about now or ever. My eyes meet the floor, unable to say anything.

"Nik said if it happened again it would be your life this time... Harry... Did he kill the girl?" My eyes shoot up to hers.

My breath stops as I can feel the anger build up. Why does she feel the need to pry? I don't say anything but my expression seems to give her the answer.

"I'm so sorry..." she sounds sincere.

"I want you to stay in your room today. You don't need to be roaming around while Niall is here." I change the subject.

"Okay." She states. I'm glad she backed down.

"And if this is going to continue between us I'm gonna need for you to get back on the pill."

"Okay." She nods. "If you let me, I can call my doctor and tell them I need a refill. I'm not sure where we are right now but you could always go pick it up for me."

"If you call, do you promise not to say anything about this?" I wave my hand around the room, implying the whole kidnapping thing.

"I promise." She says.

"We will call tomorrow. Niall should be gone by then." I say.

She nods her head but doesn't say anything.

"I'll come check on you later." I turn for the door.

She doesn't say anything so I don't stop. I shut the door behind me and let out a big breath. She knows that Nik killed the last girl I was involved with but I can't let her know anymore than that.

I make my way down the stairs and into the living room where Niall has made himself comfortable on the couch.

His legs are stretched out resting on the coffee table as he is watching some superhero movie. The tv is loud so I'm thankful that it probably drowned out any noise from Faye and I.

As I sit myself next to him and I can feel his eyes burning my skin.

"Take a fucking picture. It will last longer." I turn my head to the side and smile.

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