Chapter 32

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TW: Small scene of Sexual Assault

Long chapter with smut

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Harry's POV:

I watch as she hurry's into the bathroom, the door shutting in my face as I let out a long breath. I turn around to place my back on the wall and rest my head back staring at the ceiling for a moment. My eyes shut and the immediate image of her standing in front of me, lips almost touching mine, creeped into my head.

She's being brave tonight. Told me she was done with the sex but proceeds to flirt and touch me in the ways that she did. Sure, it's probably the champagne bringing out this side of her but who am I to deny her of her needs?

"Harry!" My eyes shoot open, clearing my mind of Faye and I look to my right to see Nik standing there with one of his men. He motions for me to come over to him so I push the thoughts of what I want to do to Faye into the back of my mind.

"What's up?" I ask him once I'm standing next to him.

"Where's Faye?" He looks concerned.

"She needed to use the restroom." I motion back to the door that is now behind us.

"Okay." He nods. "She is doing well tonight. She may be nervous but she's putting on a good show. She fits in well, everyone I've talked to tonight seems to love her."

Yeah, no shit. Everyone, men to be exact, couldn't keep their eyes off of her. They don't love her though... they just want to fuck her but they know it's not possible since she is Niks. If someone were to put their hands on her they'd be a dead man.

"The house renovations will be done soon so I'm wanting her to move locations within the next two weeks." He continues.

"Okay." I say with more annoyance in my voice than I should have.

"Is that going to be an issue?" He turns his body towards me so I mimic him.

"Why would it-"

"Stop it!" The yell comes from the bathroom, stopping me mid sentence and makes us quickly turn our heads to the door.


I don't bother looking back at Nik as my feet are already leading me towards her. I'm running fast, forcing the door open to find Faye pinned up against the wall trying to push this man off of her. His face is buried in her neck, hands about to go up her dress and all I see is red.

My hand meets the collar of his suit and I violently rip him off of her, throwing him to the ground. He lands on his back with a grunt giving me the opportunity to straddle him, keeping him pinned to the tiled floor as my fist meets his face.

Over and over again I hit him as I watch blood appear on his face from my knuckles. At this point my hair is a  sweaty mess hanging in front of my eyes somewhat blocking any vision I still have left. I continue to hit his face until a hand meets my shoulder pulling me off of the man who is now laying still, whimpering in pain.

"Calm down!" Nik yells in my face.

I push the hair out of my eyes when I look from him to Faye who is still by the wall. Tears are falling down her face, leaving black streaks from her makeup. Her lip is trembling as she tries to hold back her cries.

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