Chapter 18

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Harry had walked out of the room after our agreement. He made his way downstairs as I went to my room to put fresh clothes on.

I know that I'm stupid to keep doing this with him given he physically hurt me but I don't want to stop it either. No guy has ever made me feel this way before and I don't want to give that up just yet.

I slide on my clean sweats and only pull on a tank top because it looks warm out today. One I'm dressed, I make my way through the hall and down the stairs looking for Harry.

He isn't in the kitchen or in the living room. There is a short hallway off of the kitchen which I never noticed before. As I walk down the hall I pass by a door that is closed and immediately stop.

I bring my ear to the wood and listen to Harry's muffled voice on the other side. He is on a phone call and I can't make out what he is saying. Suddenly it goes silent and I lose my balance as the door is being pulled open.

"Eavesdropping?" He asks as I back away.

"I was just looking for you." I quietly say.

"With your ear to the door?" He steps out quickly shutting the door behind him. "This is my office... my space, just like my bedroom. Don't come in here."

"But you let me in your bedroom." I joke. 

"Actually you invited yourself into my bedroom." He steps closer to me. "And then you got on your knees for me so I figured I'd let you stay for a little while longer."

"Such a gentleman." I smile.

A faint smile forms across his face but then quickly disappears. "I'm serious Faye, don't go into my office. There's a lot of stuff in there that you aren't allowed to see."

"Okay." I say as he walks away so I begin to follow him down the hall.

We stop at the next closed door and he opens it. When I step inside I'm amazed by what I see. Black bookshelves line each wall from floor to ceiling. The shelves are packed with all kinds of books, it almost took my breath away.

"Wow Harry, this is amazing!" I walk over to a shelf and begin to look at all the titles.

"Yeah I guess." His hand rubs the back of his head.

"Have you actually read any of these?" My finger brushes over the spine of a book.

"I've read most of them." He walks over to me. "It gets boring out here sometimes when I'm by myself. When I don't have work to do or if the guys aren't here,  I'll come in here and grab a book."

"Impressive." I raise my eyebrows. "The guys... do they come here a lot?"

"No, not really. Only when there is business to be dealt with or we have a party." He grabs a book off the shelf.

"Do you always have parties when you have a girl here?" I ask. I want to know more about what the girls have to do with the mafia but I'm not going to push it.

"Never. It's always when I have the house to myself."

"Then why have one when I'm here?" I question.

"To be honest I wasn't expecting to have you in the house so soon. But Nik moved the plans up a little bit and we already had the party planned and didn't want to cancel on people. It was a stupid risk that we took." He explains.

"Does Nik know about the party?"

"No and he won't find out." His eyes stare hard into me.

"My lips are sealed." I pretend to zip my lips closed.

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