Chapter 25

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Faye's POV:

"What the hell are you doing down here?" Harry's voice is quiet but I can tell he is angry.

"I couldn't sleep so I wanted to grab a book." I keep my voice at the same volume as his.

"I could have shot you!" He steps closer to me as I take a step back, bumping into the bookshelf behind me. "You need to come get me first before you wander around the house."

I nod my head in response. He takes another step closer causing my breathing to hitch.

"Or I'll have to start locking your door again." His body is inches away from me. "I could have killed you tonight."

It may be dark but the moonlight is showing his eyes. They are staring hard as he looks down at me. He reaches his hand past my right side and sets the gun down on the shelf.

Letting out a sigh, he takes his free hand and runs it through his hair. "Do you understand me Faye? Find me before you wander around the house so you don't get yourself killed."

"Okay." I nod.

His fingers leave his hair to grip my chin. "Good."

"So you're not mad?" I ask.

"Oh I'm mad Faye." He tightens his grip on my face. "Nik would wreak havoc on the world if you died."

Of course he would. Besides him wanting me to be by his side with the whole mafia thing, I'm not sure why else I'm so special to him. Knowing how Nik would react to me dying makes me wonder...

"And how would you feel? If I died?" I keep my eyes on his.

He doesn't break eye contact as he tilts his head to the side searching for an answer in his head. His eyes eventually leave mine to find my lips to which he licks his own.

My heart starts to race as I wait for him to lean down and kiss me but he never does. Instead, Harry brings his eyes back to mine and parts his lips to speak.

"If I'm being honest Faye." He releases my chin and brings his hand up to my hair where he pushes a piece behind my ear. "I wouldn't care. It would be one less thing for me to worry about."

My heart drops from my chest at his answer. Tears start to build in my eyes and I smack his hand away from my face. Stepping to the side, I walk past him to the door.

I reach the door leading out to the hallway but don't even get a chance to grip the doorknob before Harry's hand grabs my wrist making me turn to face him. The moonlight is brighter now. Bright enough for us to actually see each other.

"Why are you so upset at that answer?" He asks.

I don't say anything as I try to get out of his hold but it only makes him squeeze tighter. His fingers dig into my skin but I can't feel the pain over the feeling in my heart.

"What did you expect me to say?" He asks. "That I would be sad if you died?"

"Just stop." I whisper.

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