Chapter 43

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Harry's POV:

When I walked into her room to find that she was having another panic attack, with her towel barely covering her and that Nik was the one trying to comfort her; I let my feelings overtake my body. I was pissed that he was the one trying to calm her down because I'm the only one that knows how. On the other hand, my heart sank seeing her like this the way it always does. I never want her to feel this way.

It was stupid of me to speak up, I know that. When I told Nik that I could calm her down he had given me a look of confusion but didn't hesitate to get out of my way. I was able to get her to focus on me – to breathe with me and she had finally calmed down. When she did come down from her attack, I watched as her eyes left mine where they dragged themselves to look over my shoulder.

I turned my head to see what she was looking at and I wish I hadn't. Niall's face basically said it all. That what just happened between Faye and I shouldn't have happened but then I let my focus fall on Nik. His jaw clenched tight at what he just witnessed but there's a hint of relief in his eyes knowing that Faye is now okay.

It has been a couple days since that night and I haven't seen Faye since. There was no way that after what happened I could be seen around her right now. Nik would chop my fucking head off if he caught me with her. No matter how much I desperately wanted to go up there and see her, to check on her just so I know that she is really okay, I couldn't risk it. Nik had Niall checking on her instead and I trust Niall enough to protect her.

Speaking of Nik, I have been trying to avoid him because I don't want him to ask about that night or kill me for that matter. It hadn't been hard to avoid him except for the fact that he is holding a meeting soon and I was intended to be there. If I skip like I want to, it would just raise more suspicion. With me not seeing Faye and trying to stay out of Nik's vision, I have been working on a plan to get her and I out of here. It's a small plan right now and I definitely need to work on the kinks but at least it is something.

Now I make my way to the meeting room, my fingers tapping the inside of my palms from nerves as I approach the double doors. They are shut so it gives me time to collect myself and try to act natural before heading in. When I finally muster up the courage to open the door, I walk in to see Niall sitting alone at the huge table and confusion spreads through me. My brows furrow as I shut the door behind me and take a seat directly across from Niall.

"Where is everybody?" I ask as I make myself comfortable.

"Not sure." Niall shrugs his shoulders. Nodding my head in response because I'm not sure what else to say but he breaks the awkward silence. "She's okay Harry."

My eyes darted up from the table to look at him, my lips falling into a flat line while I nod my head. "Good."

"She also understands why you haven't come up to see her." He adds.

I swallow hard. "Tell her I'm sorry, will you?"

"Of course." He says but then our conversation is cut short when the door opens.

Nik walks to the head of the table and takes his seat. No one followed him in and he had nothing in front of him like he does with most meetings – no laptop, no phone... Nothing. His elbows rest on the table and he brings his hands up to rub over his mouth.

"Where is everyone else?" Niall asks him.

"No one else is coming." Nik answers. "This meeting is just for the three of us."

"Why?" I finally speak up.

Nik doesn't answer right away but his eyes slowly move from Niall to me as if he is just now acknowledging my presence in the room. When his dark eyes land on mine, I can tell he is pissed. "You know why."

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