Chapter 12

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I hear crashing coming from downstairs. Not like someone falling but something being thrown. I'm not sure if Niall is still down there with Harry but it sounds like they could be having a fight.

After the loud crashing calms down I hear footsteps racing up the stairs. Only one pair of footsteps comes down the hall and enters my door.

Harry walks through shutting the wooden door behind him and makes his way over to me. He seems flustered and angry at the same time.

I stay still in my spot on the bed when he makes his way over. He holds his hand out for me to take and I'm almost afraid to grab it. What if he is going to take me back to the basement?

After a moment of hesitation, I take a deep breath and grab his hand. He slowly pulls me off the bed to stand in front of him.

"I need to see the cuts Faye." He says.

I cock my head to the side at his words because it wasn't what I was expecting to hear. Not sure why he needs to see them but I do as I'm told and grip the hem of my sweatshirt, pulling it up and over my head.

I'm only wearing a tank top underneath and when the sweater hits the floor, Harry's eyes scan the area above my breasts where some markings lie. His face scrunches up as he reaches for the bottom of the tank top folding it up halfway.

His eyes wander around my body taking in all the marks he made. For some reason seeing them seems to bother him. I mean they aren't as bad as they used to be because they are starting to heal properly.

"Fuck." He whispers as his hand meets his mouth.

"What?" I ask.

"Shit!" He moves his hand from his mouth and into his hair. "I was hoping they would be better."

"Well they are a bit better than they were before." I tell him.

"It's not good enough." He shakes his head.

"For what?" I ask.

"My boss." He sighs. "He is coming here. He wants to officially meet you."

A lump forms in my throat. "When?"

"I don't fucking know. He could be here tomorrow or next week or whenever the fuck he wants to show up!" He starts to pace back and forth only to stop and rest his palms on the dresser.

"It going to be okay, Harry. " I try to stay calm even though I am afraid.

"Don't say that. You don't know that." He is panicking.

"Harry, it's going to be fine. I'll just-"

"Stop it Faye!" His fist slams into the mirror attached to the dresser. The glass shatters and pieces fall onto the surface.

The action causes me to jump backwards a little and then suddenly he is turning around and backing me into a wall. My arms stay by my side as his hands are placed on either side of my head.

"Just fucking stop!" He slams his hand against the wall with each word.

My eyes quickly leave him when they meet the mirror he just destroyed. I notice there is blood on some of the glass which honestly isn't surprising.

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