Chapter 48

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Make sure you read this chapter first!!

Faye's POV:

The plane begins to descend towards the ground. Right now it's raining a bit outside making the sky around us turn grey. I'm quick to grab Harry's hand as we get closer to the airport, the sound of the wheels coming out from underneath the plane to help us land. The landing is bumpy and the whole plane wobbles a bit but we make it safely to the runway and the pilot begins driving us to the dock to park the plane.

Harry squeezes my hand gently to which I give him a soft smile. Once we are completely stationed at the gate the flight attendant opens the door but suddenly gets pushed backwards, falling to the floor with a loud thud. It was almost like a gust of wind from opening the large door knocked her down but suddenly I see that it wasn't a strong wind that knocked the woman to the ground. It was Nik.

He makes a sharp right, strolling down the narrow aisle way when his eyes meet mine, he gives me a small smile then nods his head. Confusion overtakes my body as he continues past me, stopping only a couple of seats away. When I get a good vision of where he stopped, I see Harry sitting next to the window holding someone's hand. I turned in my own seat to see that Harry was no longer sitting next to me. I let my eyes scan back to where Nik is and he moves his body just a bit so I can see that it is me sitting next to Harry, holding his hand.

"What the hell?" I whisper to myself. "Nik!" I try to get his attention but he doesn't notice me anymore. My eyes look around the plane to see every passenger just sitting in their seats, staring blankly ahead, oblivious to what is happening right now.

Fear takes over my body as I watch him lift his gun up pointing it at Harry. He doesn't hesitate pulling the trigger blasting a bullet into Harry's skull. I scream and so does the other me. Tears are streaming down both of our faces and then Nik positions the barrel of the gun to my head, well the other me. He cocks his head to the side and for a moment I think he isn't going to pull the trigger but he does, sending a bullet into my own skull.

A gasp comes from my mouth, my hand meets my chest as I try to regain my breathing. I lean forward in my chair letting my forehead rest on the back of the seat in front of me. I feel Harry's hand touch my back, slowly rubbing up and down trying to comfort me.

"Nightmare?" His words are soft and his voice is raspy.

"Yes." I disconnect my forehead from the seat and turn my head slightly to him. I don't see his eyes, just stare out the window at the grey sky. "I'm sorry if I woke you."

"It's okay baby. I've been asleep for a while anyways." He tells me. "You want to talk about it?" He continues to rub my back.

"Just another nightmare about Nik. He came onto the plane and killed the both of us." My stare meets his as I keep my voice low. "It was weird though because I watched it happen."

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"We were sitting a couple rows back but I was also still sitting here. I watched him shoot you then he shot me." My voice begins to shake.

Harry sucks in a deep breath while nodding his head. "It was only a nightmare baby. I promise to keep you safe."

"I know it's just-" I blink back the tears. "What happens if he eventually does find us? Then what?"

"Well then," He pulls me back into my seat letting me rest my head on his shoulder. "We put up a hell of a fight."

A breathy laugh escapes me. "Okay."

"We should be landing soon. Then we will figure out a place to stay." He says.

Just a few minutes after Harry says this, the pilot comes over the loudspeaker letting us know we are starting our descent into London. My eyes scan over to the open window to see that it is raining just like in my nightmare. The sky is dark and we are surrounded by tons of clouds. I swallow hard and grab hold of Harry's hand.

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