Chapter 17

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Faye's POV:

Harry's eyes are full of hunger as he stares at me. I surprised myself for coming in here this morning and even more by getting in the shower with him. I'm not sure why I came in here this morning.

Last night he comforted me and held me until I calmed down. It was really unlike him but it was nice. Harry was right, it wasn't his place to tell me about my father. My eyes wander down his body as the water drips down. He is still hard which makes me blush because of the size.

I've had sex a couple of times but none of those guys can even compare to Harry's size. I let my eyes graze back up his skin when I find his green eyes again. They have now darkened and are full of lust.

A couple seconds after meeting his eyes, he breaks his gaze as he turns around to shut the water off. Spinning back towards me, he quickly takes me hand in his and leads us out of the shower and into his bedroom.

"Lay down." He tells me once we are standing in front of the bed.

"Harry... my body is all wet." I gesture to my skin that still has droplets of water from the shower.

"Faye, I really don't give a fuck if you're wet." He steps closer to me so I can feel his cock press against my thigh. "Lay down on the bed or I'll throw you on it myself."

I look back down to his bed and climb into it. My back meets the mattress, my head just shy of the pillow. I begin to move my body up so I can rest my head on the pillow when I feel his hands wrap around my ankle. Harry suddenly pulls me down to the edge of the bed without warning.

"Jesus Harry!" I gasp because I wasn't ready for the sudden movement but he doesn't stop until my ass is sitting right on the edge.

He drops down to his knees so his face is lined up with my heat. Wrapping his arms around my thighs, my legs rest on his back and he tugs me closer to him.

He plants a soft kiss on my inner thigh and  he keeps moving up, his lips leaving trails of kisses on my skin. I shut my eyes and wait for his mouth to connect to my clit but it doesn't.

When I open my eyes I see his face inches away from it as his eyes are trained on me, watching my reaction. I give him a look of frustration.

"Eager are we?" He smirks.

"I thought you said teasing wasn't nice." I prop myself up on my elbows so I can see him better.

"You don't get to tease me Faye.. but I can tease you all I want." His lips form a small o as he blows out cool air. It rushes over my clit and sends chills up my spine.

" that even fair?" I pant.

The tip of his tongue slightly brushes over the sensitive area. "Baby, I don't play fair."

My fist clenches the comforter out of anger because of what he is doing. How is he allowed to tease me but I can't do it to him? You know what? I don't even care because if this happened again I'm teasing the fuck out of him whether he like it or not.

"You're already dripping and I've barely touched you." His fingers press into the tops of my thighs.

"If you don't do something about it Harry then I will." I unclench my fist and bring my hand down to my clit where I begin to circle with my finger while Harry's eyes widen at the sight.

I slide my finger from my clit to my opening and push myself inside, letting a moan fall from my lips. Harry licks his bottom lip as he watches me pleasure myself.

I start pushing my finger in and out as I let my head fall back from the feeling. I repeat the motion a couple more times before lifting my head back up and removing my finger.

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