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This is the start of a mini thing for me to do to express creativity while also giving you content while I write. I currently just started writing a chapter so with how it's going it should be out either by Saturday or next Monday, one of the two idk yet.

But this beginning short is based off the lovely song above, and I will take suggestions for these.

Pro Hero! Bakugou X Villain! Y/N

Katsuki and Y/N's relationship didn't last through high school. During a moment of weakness, a certain villain came to her with an offer so she could escape the troubles of her life. All she needed to do was leave UA, so she did. The two are now each 20, and haven't seen each other since Y/N left three years ago.



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Pain. That's all you felt after Bakugou left you. The exact words he told you still stuck in your brain even three years later.

"I need to focus on my damn training. And... And you're getting in the fucking way of that. I'm better off without your annoying ass following me around."

He didn't give you time to respond before he just walked away from you. You cried, and you cried, before someone approached you with an offer. The girl had blonde hair and bright yellow eyes, you recognized her as Toga Himoko. You were on the ready to attack her before you two actually talked, and you... you started to understand her point of view of the world. It's one of the reasons you accepted her offer to leave UA and join her side of the fight.

For weeks people looked for you, the only person you noticed never made an effort... was Katsuki. The man you thought loved you so much, in your eyes, didn't give a shit of whether you were missing, alive, dead, or on your way to another country. But now. Here you were. In the base of the LOV, with Katsuki tied to a chair in front of you as you both looked at each with a mix of joy, fear, and anger. Happy to see each other, afraid of what this meant, and angry and at the choices the other had made in the past that led up to this point.

"Y/N..?" He asked, "What.. what are you doing here?" "I should be asking you that... I didn't even take you- who found you?" "I don't fucking know." He groaned, looking down at the ground as you stared at him. You heard him mumble something, remembering you were in the position of power here, "What. Speak up." "I missed you..." He said quietly as you glared, "You missed me?" You scoffed, "Don't act like you gave a damn. Don't act like there was any love left in that soul. You know exactly what you did and didn't do." "Y/N-" "No! You didn't make one damn statement! For months you never went out of your way to look for me! You thought you were so above me you left... and didn't give a damn I went missing..."

"You and I both know that's not the damn case." He said, looking back up at you with the same glare you had at him, "I'm not one for doing things half assed and I didn't know where to look for you so-" "So you didn't look at all?" The room you both were in became silent for a solid minute. "Look... Y/N I've found you now- you can come back and be a hero like me-" He was cut off by you laughing, "You think you're a hero? I bet they tell you, you are..." You went up, lifting his chin with your finger, "You're still... handsome... you've come far from the last time we've last seen each other..." "You think you're a villain?" He asked, looking you in the eyes, "Trust me. I know you're not... under all that hate... and... and anger you have for me is a-"

"Beating human heart."
"Dying broken heart."

You two said simultaneously as you stared at each other, taking your hand away from his chin, "And what about all the time I was lonely? How about all of my monsters? That I had to deal with alone! You think I won every time?" "I'm sorry-" "I don't want your sorry. You never came to save me so you don't get the respect to even try to apologize. Did you ever think about me?" "Of course I fucking thought about you!" He yelled, "I thought about us!"

"I get that you're upset! Don't you think I know I did you wrong?! I shouldn't have broken up with you like I did... I-I was being selfish, and I didn't think about you when I did it- I still love you Y/N... I never stopped loving you."

You couldn't lie to him. You felt the same way, you never stopped loving him. No matter how much pain and suffering you went through during your breakup, you never stopped loving him for even a second. He was the only one who you could ever be with a be happy while doing so, you didn't try to move on because you knew it wouldn't work. And from what you'd seen in the news it was the same for him as well, he never tried to find someone else, not even someone he could be a power couple with. He was always, in a way, committed to you...

...but you couldn't let him know you thought that.

You scoffed looking at him as he continued, "This whole... villain act you have... it's just a disguise and you know it." "At least I don't lie about my feelings." It broke even you to say that to his face. "I'm not lying to you! I still love you Y/N! What about that don't you get?!" "I don't get it, because it's not true!" "Oh so I'm the bad guy here?" "There you go! You're twisting my words! I never said you were the bad guy! I know I am!"

The room once more fell silent as you leaned against the wall, sliding down it as you held your head, "Y/N-" "You are not my hero. I know you think you are... but you're not." Your eyes, now clouded with forming tears looked at his as they did the same, "You don't understand how it felt to be left by the love of your life when you did nothing wrong to him." You laughed slightly, "I was... weak... then. I mean what would you have done in my position? Toga came to me... and her experience was just... so similar to mine I just couldn't help but sympathize and understand her point of view."

You stood up, walking towards him as he spoke, "You don't have to be the villain Y/N.. no one even knows you are- you can just take my hand and we can leave together."

You saw him have a glimmer of hope in his eyes as you untied him, he stood up, stretching as you came up to him, placing your hands onto his face before pulling him into the kiss you'd been waiting three years to receive, he kissed you back almost instantly. The kiss was just as romantic and passionate as you both had imagined, the fire of love still burning in your souls after all these years. You could tell Katsuki still had hopes for the both of you before you pulled away.

"Sometimes things don't go as planned..." "What?" "Get out. Before they come back and find you... I can explain you escaping away so take the opportunity while you can." "I'm not leaving without you." "You don't have a choice Katsuki." You said, removing your hands from his cheeks as his quickly took yours.

"I will come back for you." He said, pulling you into another kiss.

You heard footsteps coming down the hall, helping him quickly open the window as he escaped. You never knew when you'd get the chance to see him again. But you were happy you did, even if it may have been for the last time.


Yep, I started this with angst. S u e. M e.

You just read 1410 Words

- 💙 Lilith 💙

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