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Sorry I don't really know how to start this off, seeing as I've been gone for a month or two. While I've been gone this book has managed to get its way up to 6k votes and almost 330k reads which is mind boggling to me.

I'm still gonna be gone for around another month to get back, seeing as online schooling just started up for me and I also need time to prewrite.

I've mainly been gone for personal, mental health, and social reasons, that I don't feel like sharing. To say the least I'm restarting a friendship and am newly single.

But in return for my absence, I'm willing to make a deal with you all.

As you all know, forever ago I did a poll to add in a 10th character because that's what would work so that with the 20 image limit if I needed an extra image, I would be able to add that in, and I wanna get inspired again so in honor of being back I'm going to be adding a new character.

But if I do, do this, this will also mean I will be having to take away a character.

So I'm going to be listing the three characters who I would say it's the hardest to write for, and who I find to be the least interesting, and I'm going to replace them with the new character, so.

Vote Out The Old Character

💀 Tomura Shigaraki 💀

👟 Tenya Iida 👟

🍱 Tamaki Amajiki 🍱


Yes, sadly my three T boys are my hardest to write for, but one of them has to go to make way for this new character.

Vote In The New Character

🐱 Hitoshi Shinso 🐱

😴 Shota Aizawa 😴

💛 Hanta Sero 💛

🔰 Yo Shindo 🔰


Did I throw Yo in specifically because I read a book that is sadly now taken down called Abiding about him with the emoji's that are beside his name? Yes. Yes I did.

Though I do feel like I already know who is gonna win, I thought why not. I already know who one of my friends is rooting for though, because she's one of the only people I know in real life who knows about this book.

But again, I'm sorry for me being gone for so long and I plan on coming back soon, after posting my prewrites I doubt I'll be on a schedule like I was before because of schooling and just how motivated I'll be at the time.

Also, please, please, please, stay safe write about now with this whole covid-19 mess, wash your hands, social distance, all that shit, if you could please? Thank you. Also... if you are one of the people who buys all the toilet paper and paper towels, either A, stop, or B, gimme some because we ran out of paper towels and we have to go get some more tomorrow and I'm not excited for it

Anyways, get to voting, I'm gonna get back to writing, love all of you, peace ✌

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