Your Opinion On Him {P4}

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Izuku Midoriya

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Izuku Midoriya

Deku? He's a broccoli boy! and I think he has a real potential as a hero and he's gonna definitely go somewhere! He's smart, he's sweet, and he's super loyal! I could never imagine him as a traitor or something.. and Dai really likes him since they share an interest in All Might.

My favorite thing about him? His courage! He'll do anything to make sure people are safe! Even if he can get terrified by Katsuki easily.. he's always been kind to people from what I can tell, and he trains like there's no tomorrow! Especially since he has the One for All quirk, so he has to make sure he's being responsible.

I really care about Izu! I feel like he's my bean child and I need to protect him at all costs. Could I see a relationship with him? Maybe.. I do think he could be a really good boyfriend if he wan't so shy and ran away from me most of the time..

A word to describe him is.. Bean.. don't ask

Katsuki Bakugou

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Katsuki Bakugou

Crybaby? He's an angry little tiger! I already know he shall become a top hero someday, I've already figured that out since I met him as a child. With how much time we spent together, it was inevitable I would start believing in him to become the next top hero!

My favorite thing about him, surprisingly his eyes. I don't know why by they always give me this feeling every time he glares at me, most would be terrified but I never was, I only felt the need to laugh and blush. He would then huff and walk away before I subsequently followed after him, which he never yelled at me over and just let it happen.

I'll always believe in Katsuki, he's been there for me for so long I couldn't see myself ever NOT believing in him. And he is always adorable when he gets flustered by our teasing of each other, I do go for a more flirty approach though, which I must add he hates.

A word to describe him is.. Prideful


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