Dinner With The Family {P14}

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Izuku Midoriya ( He has dinner with your family )

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Izuku Midoriya ( He has dinner with your family )

"Mom! Dad! Come on~ Please!" You begged, trying to get your parents to stay home. Deku was coming over for dinner tonight and he still had yet to meet your parents, so here you are. Begging your parents to stay home tonight to meet him. Your mom sighed before turning to your father, "D/N.. Maybe we should stay for the night.." "Are you kidding? M/N.. you know how busy it is down at the agency.." "But don't you wanna see if this Izuku is good for our daughter?" Dad stayed quite for a minute before sighing, "Fine. Let's meet this Midoriya boy.."

*One Hour Later*

"Oh! He's here!" I said as the doorbell rang, I ran over and opened the door "Baby!" I said hugging him. He smiled and gave me a quick kiss, hugging me back "Why are you so happy today?" I smiled and grabbed his hand pulling him into the kitchen. "Well~ My mom and dad are joining us for dinner!" I said as I pointed to my parents. My mom waved and my dad simply glared. Deku was scared. How could I tell? He was shaking and started to sweat.

"Y- Y/N.. Can we step out for a minute?" "Huh? Okay Izu! Excuse us.." I said as we walked into the living room. "Why didn't you tell me your parents were gonna be here?!" he asked "I'm sorry! I wanted to surprise you.." "Well I rather would have known so I could've dressed nicer than... THIS." he said pointing to his jeans that had a few rips and his All-Might T-Shirt. I smiled and kissed his forehead "Izuku.. you don't need to impress them.." "But I want to Y/N... I want them to think I'm good enough for you, it's different from Dai liking me... theses are your parents.." I sighed and hugged him. "It'll be fine Baby.. I promise.." he sighed. "Okay.." we walked back into the kitchen. "Let's eat!"

*Izuku's POV*

As we were eating, Y/N stood up saying "I'll be right back.. I'm heading to the bathroom." she quickly kissed my cheek as she left the room. Her parents turned to me, "So.. how did you and my daughter meet?" her mom asks "Oh! It's actually thanks to your son.. he came up to me to ask something about All Might and Y/N had come over to get him.." "Okay.. what are your intentions with Y/N?" her father asked "Oh.. um.. well.. I love her.. I don't really think I have any intentions besides keeping her as a lover.. heh" her dad nodded and continued eating as Dai started asking me stuff about UA & All Might.

Soon enough Y/N came back to the table. "So? What I miss?" "Izuku was just telling us about your relationship with him.." "Yes, I think you might have found a good guy, Sweetie" Y/N smiled as she squeezed my hand under the table. "I'm glad you two like him.. Now lets get back to the food!"

*Time Skip/ Y/N POV*

I had walked Izu to the door as we stepped outside he said "Y'know I didn't think your parents would like me.." I sighed as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "And didn't I tell you I didn't care if they did or not.. but either way I am happy they like you too" I gave him a peck on the lips as I let go. "I'll see you at school Izuku.." "Yeah.. see you Y/N.."

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