🍋 {P45}

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I'm going to hell for this-

Actually I was going to hell anyways so yeah...

Also if you haven't already guessed, NSFW warning so if you don't like I'd recommend moving on. Which these might suck anyways because I don't exactly write a lot of smut... I just read it, so who knows how this is gonna go...

 I just read it, so who knows how this is gonna go

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Izuku Midoriya

You two laughed, a little drunk as you had come home from your dinner date you two had with Tenya and Uraraka. You both had about three glasses of wine before you cut yourselves off since you still needed to get home. But you couldn't help but notice that in your slightly drunk state, you found that your boyfriend looked more attractive then he already did on the regular and an idea popped into your head as you smirked.

"Baby~" you said, seductively, hugging him from behind as he started to unbutton his shirt with a smile as he looked back at you, raising an eyebrow, "Yes?" "I need... help~ Please~?" His face turned red, already knowing exactly what you meant as he finished taking his shirt off before turning towards you, "Wanna be specific on the babe?" "I want you~" you replied as he started kissing your neck, walking you back towards the bed before you laid down, him leaning over you as he slid down your dress, noticing your lack of bra.

"Did you plan this love?" He asked, playing with your breasts as you bit back a moan, "M-maybe- a-ah~ I did~ What are you gonna do about it?" "Same thing I always do~" he replied as his mouth moved, taking your nipple into his mouth as you moaned loudly, feeling him grope your other breast as he did so.

Eventually he switched breasts and you felt his free hand trail down your body, soon reaching the rim of your panties as he snapped them against you before sliding his hand underneath, rubbing his hand against your center, "I-Izuku~ Stop t-teasing like this~" you moaned out as you moved your hands into his hair, just as he let up on your breast with a smirk, removing his hand from your panties, he lowered himself towards your center, opening your legs up. "Well won't you just look.." he said, placing a kiss on your panties, "..You're wet, love..." "Of course I am!" You replied, making him chuckle as he pulled down said panties, looking at your center before pushing a finger past your folds, and moving it back and forth. "A-ah~ Izu~ P-please~... More~!" "You want another finger?" He asked as you nodded quickly, leading to him placing another finger in.

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