💥 Proposal: Katsuki Bakugou 💥

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and we're back for part 2/10

let's get these feelings on the road~


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"Katsuki with how intent you are on me getting to work on time, it almost makes me think you have ulterior motives?" "It's nothing shitty. But yes I need you out of the house. So go to work." He said, kissing your forehead and handing you you're lunch, "And tell me when you're on your way too." "I do that whether you want me too or not, Love." "Good. Now go." You laughed, making your way to your car, waving at him through the window, before pulling out.

Katsuki sighed in relief as he watched you pull out of the drive way, instantly making his way to his office, despite knowing he was going to make you dinner, he didn't know what. He didn't want to make it the same he made you on your first date, or the one he made when you two had finally officially moved in together, he wanted it to be new, and he wanted it to be special. Just thinking about it made him think about when he tried to help you cook for the first time, it was before you two had started dating and it still made him have a small smile.


"Dumbass! What the hell are you doing!" He asked, looking over to you handling a haywire mixing machine, which was splattering cupcake batter everywhere. "I don't know! Just help me!" He quickly made his way over, and after being sprayed more than he'd like by batter he unplugged the machine. He sighed, looking over at you as you held your laughter in, "What's so funny." You walked up to him, using your thumb and wiping the batter off his cheek. "You have batter all over you." You smiled, turning back around. Without your notice, his cheeks lightly dusted with pink.


"I'll make her a cake." He decided, starting to look up recipes before finally deciding on a red velvet, and printing it out, before quickly heading towards the kitchen.

He had started to get everything out of the fridge and cabinets, having bought more than enough cake mixes in a panic the day before, when he heard a knock at the door. Groaning, he walked, opening it "What the hell do you-" "Hey Bakubro!" "Katsuki! My man!" Kirishima and Denki said, walking into the apartment, "What the hell- Why are you here-" "To help. Duh." They said, walking into the kitchen as Katsuki stomped behind, "Ooh~ Cake!" "No-" Bakugou responded, taking the cake mix away from Denki and setting it back on the counter.

"Oh come on! What's the worst that'll happen!" "You'll ruin and burn everything." He said, glaring. "Can we at least help set up the plates...?" Eijirou asked as Katsuki sighed. "Fine." He took the plates, napkins, and such out of the cabinets, "Put these of the table carefully. It shouldn't be that hard to figure out." "Sir, Yes Sir!" They said, nodding as they took the plates and made their ways to the small dining area of the apartment. Katsuki watched them for a moment before picking up his phone, quickly texting you 'I know you have clothes there', 'change out of your uniform before you get home' you replied a few moments later, 'I will ♥' He smiled at your text before going back to making his cake.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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