My Ships

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So this is unrelated to EVERYTHING.. but I wanted to go threw and tell my top 5 ships, since I was bored..


1. Kiribaku


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Okay.. this one was kinda obvious, seeing as I have Kirishima and Katsuki dating in Neito's story-line. I've just always thought it was cute, and for those of you that might ask... I personally see Katsuki as top and Kirishima as bottom, though I wouldn't mind Kirishima being top as long as they got together. You can fight me on it, go ahead, I'm a multi shipper so I probably would see your points.

Hey at least its not Camie x Katsuki, where they're shipped because she doesn't mind his anger and made him laugh once... Sorry to people who ship it, but it's just weird to me..

2. TodoDeku

I don't know man

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I don't know man... they've always just been a cute ship for me. I think I would of shipped UraDeku is it weren't for Uraraka at first only being a love interest for Deku, then she battled Katsuki but at that point I already had to much love for TodoDeku, so now I just see them as really good friend.

And that's also why I ship Tenya and Uraraka, and Asui and Izuku.  But this ship will always have a special place in my heart, not as big as my love for Kiribaku, but still I have a big love for it.

3. MomoJirou

Of course my girls are in my top 5! I've always had the feeling that Jirou was at least Bi, and personally I have a head cannon that in every story line but Shouto's (she's bi there) she's a lesbian, it just makes sense to me

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Of course my girls are in my top 5! I've always had the feeling that Jirou was at least Bi, and personally I have a head cannon that in every story line but Shouto's (she's bi there) she's a lesbian, it just makes sense to me. Also notice how Jirou can get so easily flustered around Momo, it's adorable!

While I think she might have a crush on Denki, I think Denki's more just friends with Jirou. And I know he's friends with Momo so were good here. I even expressed that in Double Date: Denki Kaminari, but yeah MomoJirou is definitely a good ship.

4. UraIida

Like I said earlier, I see this happening before UraDeku

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Like I said earlier, I see this happening before UraDeku. I just personally see this as cuter and more workable, which I've expressed MULTIPLE times, I mean the small floaty girl with the fast tall boy just is cute for me and I see it working more than Main Boy x Main Girl.

I mean they're close friends, and he definitely pays more attention to her than Deku does. They're just to adorable together! I understand that's it most likely not gonna happen but a girl can dream...

5. BakuDeku

Okay I think the main reason I ship this is because of my friend, she is obsessed with BakuDeku so she eventually got me into it

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Okay I think the main reason I ship this is because of my friend, she is obsessed with BakuDeku so she eventually got me into it. Though I think if I told her I shipped Kiribaku I think she might murder me... But I think if it came down to it, if Katsuki could get over his slight 'hatred' for Deku and fessed up that he loved him then it could work.

I also think they would have a kinky relationship, don't judge me. I've read a lot of weird things so I can't help it, but yeah... they'd have a kinky relationship.


Be free to yell at me, I could care less... I'm a multi shipper and I normally can see everyone's points (besides Camie x Katsuki) these are just my top 5, trust me I ship A LOT more ships, not all I see dating... some I see just being fuck-buddies like TodoBaku, they would definitely be fuck-buddies.

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