Your Test/ Plan {P34}

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Okay! Part 2 Time!

ALSO! Let it be known i'm completely making up how you get your hero license. Its kinda like the Provisional Hero License exam. Though were adding a paper exam.

So we're going to pretend that there's also a paper part of the exam along with the stadium, okay? okay.

We're also gonna pretend there's a graduation ceremony where you get your hero license *cough cough* hint for next chapter *cough cough* 

Okay let's get into it!


Izuku Midoriya

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Izuku Midoriya

You sighed, walking into the classroom and looking around at all the other nervous students as we all waited for Aizawa to tell us to sit down. Today was the test for the our hero licenses, it would prove if we were worthy of being the heroes that the school trained us to be. Uraraka and Tsuyu ushered me over, "Aren't you nervous Y/N? Today it is the day we've all been waiting for!" "Yeah, ribbit, the only one that's not nervous is Bakugou-kun" "Well Tsuyu that's not really shocking..." you replied.

You noticed Izuku enter the room, "Izu! Over here!" you called, making him look up and wave, walking over to you and the girls. "Are you, ribbit, nervous Midoriya?" Tsuyu asked, to which which Deku rubbed the back of his neck in response. "I mean of course.. but I do got a good feeling about this.. I guess.." "That's the spirit!" you agreed, giving Izuku a quick hug as Aizawa woke up from his nap, stepping out of his sleeping bag.

"Alright.. You all know whats happening.. Take your seats..." you all gulped, taking said seats. "You'll be taking the paper exam today. Tomorrow you'll be taking the physical exam. Understood?" the class all nodded in response as he started to hand the papers out, you glanced over to Izuku, who gave you a smile and mouthed 'Good Luck' to you, which you returned.

You looked back at your test, picking up your pencil and starting your test 'You got this. Izuku believes in you. You believe in yourself.. well that part's a lie..' you thought as you started answering questions. You only needed to get at least 75% of the test correct to pass the paper exam. You could easily answer most of the questions, some were a little harder but you still had a good feeling about your answers. 'You got this..'

A week later...

You looked at the door to Class 1-A, taking a deep breath. You successfully completed the physical course, so all that was left to see was the percentage of your paper exam, as long as you got a 75% or higher, you'd be getting your license. You'd be graduating UA.

You finally entered the room, seeing everyone surrounding the test result board "Hah! 99%! Beat that Extras!" Katsuki cheered, walking back to his desk and putting his legs on his desk "Look Izuku! You got a 99% too!" Uraraka pointed out, making Katsuki twitch, before Kirishima held him back. You smiled, walking up.

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