Your Birthday {P48}

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It's here... woo~

The reason I waited until the 25th to release this is actually a very simple reason- um-

It was my birthday-

Which is also the reason this is a day late-

Okay let's get on to the chapter-


Izuku Midoriya

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Izuku Midoriya

You yawned, waking up to the feeling of Izuku playing with your hair, making you smile as you rolled over, facing him. "Hi Zuku..." "Hi Y/N... Happy Birthday." You smiled, scooting over to hug him as he wrapped his arms around you in response. "So I'm guessing you have a surprise for me?" "Of course I do! What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't?" "Still a cute one." You replied, kissing his cheek. "Well, you stay in bed for another few minutes, I'm gonna make breakfast, and then I'll come get you. Sound good?" you nodded, "Great! Love you Y/N." "Love you too Izuku." you replied.


After breakfast, Izuku had to go, saying it had to do with your 'surprise' later, but he told you to be prepared for when he got back. All morning, you had been getting texts and phone calls from friends telling you 'Happy Birthday' including a few social media posts here and there and you made sure to say thank you for each and every one of them. Meanwhile, you were getting ready, putting on a nice but casual outfit and sitting down to watch TV while you waited for you loving boyfriend to return home.

Suddenly your phone started ringing again, the name reading Shoto as you smiled, answering "Hi Todoroki." "Hello Y/N, I was told today was your birthday so I decided to tell you Happy Birthday, but also didn't want to leave my home." You laughed, "Well thank you Sho." "You're welcome Y/N. I hope you have a good day today." "You too Sho." You both said your goodbyes, hanging up just as Izuku made his way back into the apartment, letting you look up at him from your spot on the couch.

"Is this surprise ready yet?" "Yep! Come on! We got to drive there!" He said, waiting at the door as you stood up, walking behind him to the door and into the car. Izuku starting to drive as you looked over to him, "So? Do I get to know yet?" "Nope!" "But why-" "Because it's still a surprise of course." He smiled as you pouted, "I'm not gonna get scared am I..?" "Haha! I'd hope not- I think you'll like it!" You smiled as he took your hand, squeezing it on the console as he continued driving for a solid 30 minutes.


"You know that explains why it took you so long to get back and forth, or did you just drive slow for me~?" "Hehe, a bit of both, it still takes like 25 minutes even if I went faster." "Makes sense." "Okay now close your eyes!" "Why?" "Pleasee.." "Alright, alright." You agreed, closing your eyes as you let him take your hand, walking you forward, letting you know when to step up or step down so that way you wouldn't get hurt. "Are we there yet?" "Almost." He responded quickly, stopping about a minute later as he let your hand go and it sounded like he sat down, "Okay... Open!"

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