Graduation/ Promotion {P35}

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Final part of this trilogy! Sorry for how long this took but I wanted to make sure that they all came out well and currently I'm proud of the final product. So let's get into this!


Izuku Midoriya

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Izuku Midoriya

It was the day of graduation. The day we would finally be leaving UA and would be able to be chosen for a hero agency or go on to pursue something else. Though you always knew you wanted to be a hero so having to go back to school for anything was unneeded, but as you put your suit on for the ceremony you couldn't help but think about Dai. Your parents were rarely home and so with you now becoming a hero you were specifically worried about him.

After a minute or so, there was a knock on your dorm door, you quickly finished putting your suit on yelling, "It's open!" in walked your mother, smiling with a look of pride on her face as she hugged you. "I'm so proud.. My little girl is all grown up and ready to be a pro hero like her parents!" "Yeah.. Mom I have a question..?" "Of course, sweetie.. What is it?" you sighed, "Is Dai gonna be okay? I mean before I was able to look after him but now.." she smiled, knowing what you meant "I was hoping to surprise you with this but I guess since your worried I should let you know now..." you raised an eyebrow.

"I'm retiring. Your dad is still gonna work but we didn't want you to feel that you still had to watch after Dai. So I opted to retire, stay home and take care of Dai. Of course I'd still have to help out some but-" you cut her off with a hug. "I'm just glad Dai is gonna be okay.." "Aw.. Y/N.. Dai is extremely lucky to have you as a sister.. and your father and I are so lucky to have you as a daughter..." soon there was a knock at the door, before your dad, who was holding Dai walked in, "Fujiko. Y/N. Let's get a move on, we have to get good seats and Y/N has to get with her class."


You took a deep breath as you waved goodbye to your family, who were now taking their seats, finding one's near Inko. You walked over to your classmates, being waved over by Izuku. After you made your way over you were stopped by Aizawa, "Y/N. You'll be going on stage last. Right after Midoriya, then you'll be making a speech. Understood?" "Mhm.. But.." you looked back to Izuku, "Can he stay up on stage with me?" Aizawa sighed, rubbing his temples.

"Fine. But you better make that speech of yours good." he replied, as he left to go check on other students. You looked back at Izuku who gave you a smile as he walked over, "You'll do great, Y/N.. I'm sure of it!" "Hehe~ Thank you Izuku.." you replied, kissing his cheek. As the music started up, "We're the last two to go.. but we should still probably get back in line, y'know.." you smirked, pulling him along, you gave him a quirk kiss. "You gotta wait for the rest~" "..Rude."


"Next up! Izuku Midoriya! The Underrated Hero: Deku!" the crowd clapped, your family and Inko cheering the loudest as he shook Nezu's hand. Izu stood off to the side as Nezu announced, "And finally! Y/N L/N! The Hallucinations Hero: Illusionist!" you smiled, walking up on stage.

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