You're In The Infirmary/ Injured {P24}

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Okay if you can, can you give suggestions I'm running out of ideas here lol-

Okay if you can, can you give suggestions I'm running out of ideas here lol-

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Izuku Midoriya

"Dai! Just sit down!" you yelled from the couch, unable to get up because of your broken leg. During one of your drawbacks after using your quirk to much, you stepped wrong, tripping on the sidewalk and breaking you leg as mentioned. You sighed, since Dai wasn't listening knowing he could now get away with more since your parents' were out and you were bed and couch ridden for the next few months. Eventually, you gave up on yelling since your throat was starting to hurt and reached for your phone, deciding to call Izuku.

"Hey Izu.." "Yes I'm on the couch still.." "Can you come over? Dai isn't listening to me..." "Mhm.." "Mhm.." "Okay, Thanks Babe" "Love you too, bye." you hung up, smirking as you looked at Dai running around and drawing on his arms, soon there was a knock on the door. You laid back, "Dai.. Get the door!" he groaned walking up to the door, revealing Izuku.

"D-Deku?" he said, gulping "Mhm.. That I am.. Now.." he noticed the marker on his arms, picking him up "First things first, cleaning your arms.. then picking up all these toys.." "Nooooo.." Dai complained as you chuckled. Once Dai starting picking up his toys, Izu walked over to you, kissing your forehead "Are you feeling any better, Y/N?" you nodded "Now that you're here and helping Dai calm down, yeah.." "I can start coming over in the afternoons till you get better if it will help?" "Please..."

He chuckled, giving you a quick peck "If you insist.." he glanced back at Dai, who was laying on the floor with some more of his toys, "Dai.. no slacking, if you didn't want to pick them up then you shouldn't have pulled them out in the first place..."

Katsuki Bakugou

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Katsuki Bakugou

"C'est des conneries.." you cursed in french as you laid in the infirmary, bandages all over you. You had recently finished having a training battle Shouto and ended up losing after letting your guard down for a moment, you weren't extremely burned but as a half-quirker you got more hurt than someone who had parents who both had quirks. You looked to your phone that started to blow up with text messages from your classmates and your boyfriend and as you were reading one of his texts, Recovery Girl/ Chiyo-Chan walked in.

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