🎅 Christmas Special🎄

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🎄 Merry Christmas! And Happy Holidays! 🎄

So before we start, the reason I'm specifically doing Christmas is because I myself, celebrate Christmas, and I don't want to offend someone by trying to write about another holiday I know nothing about...

Also either next chapter or the chapter after will be starting 'The Graduation Saga' as I'm calling it, which is basically like 'Studying for Finals', 'Day Of Finals/ Results', 'Graduation', etc.

I might also throw in a 'Random One shot' because I can think of ideas for one character but not another so I'll probably throw that in and then start 'The Graduation Saga' so yeah..

Also since I'm prewriting, I'm just gonna put in the names of the parents and shit, so if it was voted to keep like B/1 or M/N or D/N don't @ me

Anyways! Enjoy reading 😊


Izuku Midoriya

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Izuku Midoriya

"Reach Dai! Reach!" "What does it look like I'm doing?" he replied, trying to put the star on the tree as you held him up. Your father chuckled, taking Dai from you and helping him get the star on easier. "Thanks Daddo!" you said, walking into the kitchen, seeing your mom making cookies, "So when you gonna tell Dai that Santa's' not really?" "Oh shush, give him another year or two.." "Finee.." you mother smiled. "I invited Izuku and Inko over, they should be here soon.." you smiled back at her, "Thanks mom!" just then, you heard the doorbell ring.

"Who's there?" Dai asked, as I walked to the door, him following behind. Opening it, I saw the Midoriya's themselves "Izuku! Mrs. Midoriya!" you hugged them both as Inko went to go talk to your mom and Izuku was dragged by Dai to sit with you and your dad. "Sorry we're late.. My mom wanted to make sure we had good gifts" he guestered to the gift bags he had dropped by the door. "I'm sure they're great gifts" your father replied, putting up ornaments. He looked back at Izuku, "Good to see you, by the way" "O-oh.. Thank you Mr. L/N"

"Haruki! Make room on the table! Cookies are done!" your mom yelled, holding a tray of cookies as Inko followed behind her. "I'm sure 'Santa' will enjoy them Fujiko" Inko mentioned, "I'm glad you like them Inko!" you smiled at how well yours and Izuku's parents were getting along. Dai started tugging on your mother's arm, "Mommy? Can we open presents yet?" she smiled, picking him up "Oh I don't see why we can't open the 'early' presents"

She looked over to you and Izu, "Can you two start handing one out each?" you both nodded, you and your family each got the present that the Midoriya's had brought, and they got the presents you had got them. "Yay!" Dai yelled, pulling out a All Might onesie, that was most likely Izuku's old one, you smiled at the bracelet Izuku had got you, kissing his cheek "I love it.." "Heh.. thanks.." soon you all opened your presents.

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