He Helps You Study/ Train {P33}

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Today starts the Graduation Saga! (Most likely a trilogy) knowing me I've probably prewritten this ahead of time, and if I have, these should all come out within the same week since I don't want you all to wait a week like I normally do, I'll most likely put a day or two in between each update which will most likely be the case.

But anyways, do enjoy this story! Some will be study, while others will be train, so look for that.


Izuku Midoriya{ Study }

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Izuku Midoriya
{ Study }

"Thanks for helping me study, Izu... sorry if it cuts in to your study time.." "It's fine Y/N! Besides it just means I get to study with you!" he replied, flashing a smile as you both sat down on his couch, opening your text books "Okay... how much have you read of the text book?" "..." "Y/N? Have you ever even opened the text book?" "..yes.. I read the first sentence.." Izuku sighed, rubbing his forehead "Y/N.. We're reading the whole text book. End of discussion."

You groaned, trying to convince him to let you get away with not studying, but he wasn't having it. "Why can't we do some.. training! Like with my quirk!" "Because the last test we had you were in the top 5, you're fine there.. And this is for our Hero License! Then we go to an agency.. Then we're official Pro Heroes!" you sighed, smiling at how excited he was.

"Fine you dork... I'll read this stupid book.." "Great! Now let's get to reading!" A little while later, Izuku told you to flip your book so you couldn't see it, "Now.. say there's a child trapped in a building? What do you do." 'Shit he's using the book examples against me' "Um.. You tell them to move away from the door, kick the door in, and get the kid out?" "Correct! Now if there's a villain attack what do you do with the civilians?" "Distract the villain and get the civilians out of danger as soon as possible. That's easy." Izuku nodded once more.

"So.. are we done yet?" "We're not done until you've read the whole book." "But it's been an hour and I've only read a 3rd!" "Well hope you're not busy for the next two hours then.." "God.. you owe so many kisses.." he sighed, kissing your cheek "Does that help?" "..I suppose.."


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